
Communiqué De Presse d’ Unser Land, Le Parti Alsacien, Strasbourg, le 19 décembre 2014

Elections départementales : mobilisation générale !

Suite à la décision du gouvernement de supprimer la région Alsace, une réponse politique d’ampleur est indispensable.

Nous constatons que la situation actuelle de l’Alsace est imputable en grande partie à la classe politique locale. Il est temps que nous puissions compter sur des élus qui ne soient plus au service des partis parisiens, mais au service des Alsaciens. Cela n’est possible qu’avec un parti alsacien.

Isle of Man: Knockaloe Exhibition at the Leece Museum in Peel

With its proximity to the site of the former Knockaloe Internment Camp at Patrick, the Leece Museum in Peel is an ideal location for a temporary exhibition which seeks to bring a flavour of what it was like for the thousands of internees who were incarcerated on the site during World War I.

The Leece Museum, situated in the old courthouse on the East Quay, already has a number of selected items about this historical site on permanent display, including an assortment of intricate bone carvings sculpted by the internees.

Faery Battles Intensify On the Isle of Man - Faery Investigation Society Launches Census

The UK Sunday Express reports that The Faery Investigation Society of London is in the process of conducting a worldwide census.  Under the headline “Forget the Tales, Now its Fairies with an Attitude”, the Express reports that the census, initiated in November, has logged over 450 respondents reporting on various Faery populations. The link to the census form is posted below.

Protests against Manuel Valls as he visits Brittany

Today (18 Dec) in the Breton City of Brest French Socialist Party Prime Minister Manuel Valls began a visit to Brittany. He was met with demonstrators disgusted with a new law on the territorial organization of the French regions passed by the National Assembly. 

Notre Chance, L'independance - Elections Departementales 2015

'L’indépendance est une chance. Recouvrer notre souveraineté représente bien plus encore que retrouver notre fierté : prendre la voie de l’indépendance, c’est marcher dans le sillon ouvert par de nombreuses nations européennes et c’est une nécessité impérieuse.

Always a Platform for Torture Apologists in the British Media

This published by the Celtic League:

Always a Platform for Torture Apologists in the British Media


A few days ago the New York Times (NYT) commenting when the US Senate released its controversial report into torture said:

“The publication today of a censored summary of the Senate Intelligence Committee’s investigation into the use of torture at C.I.A. prisons has brought war-crime apologists out from under their rocks.”

Manx Government Sets Out Its Priorities

This published by the Celtic League:

Manx Government Sets Out Its Priorities

News From Celtic League

The Isle of Man Government has responded to a letter sent by the general secretary (GS) in September, asking the Chief Minister of Mannin (Isle of Man), Allan Bell, what priorities he thinks are important for the Island over the next twenty years.

Irish Government Urged to Seek release of Secret MoD CR Gas Files

This published by the Celtic League:

Irish Government Urged to Seek release of Secret MoD CR Gas Files


The Celtic League has asked the Irish government to add its voice to the calls for secret files covering (Operation Pagoda) – the stockpiling and use of CR gas by British security forces in Ireland – to be made public.

The League has already written to UK Defence Secretary Michael Fallon MP urging that the forty year old files should be released.

MoD Pressed to Publish Files on Operation Pagoda

This published by the Celtic League:

MoD Pressed to Published Files on Operation Pagoda


The Celtic League have written to the United Kingdom Ministry of Defence asking when it will release forty year old files on Operation Pagoda which covered the deployment and use of CR Gas in Ulster in the 1970s.

CR was allegedly used in both public order situations and also to quell a protest involving republican prisoners at Long Kesh prison in the 1970s. CR is a much more carcinogenic riot control agent than the equally unpleasant CS gas.

Kernow: League Attack Racism And Bigotry

This published by the Celtic League:



The Cornish branch of the Celtic League has spoken about racist comments about indigenous Cornish people made on social media.

The catalyst for the racist attacks appears to have been the decision of Devon and Cornwall police to put bilingual signage on Truro police station.

The decision by the police was welcomed by the Celtic League and many other groups and individuals in Cornwall .


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