
Ukranian Aircraft On Manx register query

This published by the Celtic League:

Ukranian Aircraft On Manx register Querry


The Celtic League has asked the Isle of Man Minister for Economic Development for an update on press reports two months ago suggesting aircraft belonging to former president of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych had been transferred to a Manx-based company and registered with the Isle of Man Aircraft Registry (see below):

Isle of Man: Fire Chiefs Remarks ‘Regrettable’

This published by the Celtic League:

Isle of Man: Fire Chiefs Remarks ‘Regrettable’


As the Isle of Man government battles to balance its finances, in response to a reduction in receipts from a VAT agreement with the United Kingdom some years ago, front line public services continue to be targeted.

We reported how plans to close main post offices in the Islands capital Douglas and the second largest town Ramsey were recently put on hold following a public outcry.

Alex Salmond announces he will stand for UK Parliament

Former First Minister of Scotland and Scottish National Party leader Alex Salmond has announced he will stand for a seat in the UK Parliament at the General Election next May. Alex Salmond stood down as SNP leader having guided the party to an absolute majority in the Scottish Parliament. The new leader of the SNP and First Minister of Scotland is Nicola Sturgeon.

Gordon Brown bows out on a low

This week Ex-British Prime Minister and Scottish Labour member of the UK parliament Gordon Brown announced that he would not be standing for re-election in next years UK General Election. This came as no surprise. During the Scottish referendum he was wheeled out by the British media and given unprecedented coverage in their shameless propaganda campaign against Scottish independence. He played his part in the deceitful No campaign.

Nicola Surgeon address to SNP Conference

Nicola Surgeon address to SNP Conference 

Song of the Celts - Wolf Tones

Song of the Celts - Wolf Tones

Manx Gaelic 'warriors'. Revitalisation a success story

A researcher from the United States has praised language "warriors" in the Isle of Man for the work undertaken to promote Manx Gaelic. Lecturer Dr David Harrison travels to remote corners of the globe to help revive endangered native languages.

Gaelic with a Glasgow accent

The Scottish government's support for the Gaelic language has seen a big rise in speakers of that language in Glasgow. This reflects a growing trend in other parts of Scotland. Glasgow Gaelic School currently has 505 primary pupils, 237 secondary pupils and almost 60 nursery children – and the numbers are increasing every year. Plans for a second Gaelic school in the South Side to cater for 200 children have been announced with work due to start in 2015. There has been a significant rise in the number of children whose entire school day is spent talking in Gaelic. 

Llywelyn Ein Llyw Olaf – Cilmeri 2014

This published by the Celtic League:

Llywelyn Ein Llyw Olaf – Cilmeri 2014


Ar Ragfyr y 6ed 2014 bydd digwyddiadau er mwyn coffáu Llywelyn ap Gruffydd, Llyw Olaf y Cymry, yn cymryd lle yng Nghilmeri, Cymru.

IMO Queried on Members Obligations

This published by the Celtic League:

IMO Queried on Members Obligations


The Celtic League has sought clarification from the IMO about members of its present governing Council who have announced Search and Rescue restrictions in the Mediterranean area.

The move has recently been criticised by UN Special Rapporteur for Migrants, Francois Crepeau.

The text of our query is set out below:


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