
Isle of Man: Learning about Fairtrade at St James Church in Dalby

As Fairtrade Fortnight came to a close, a special evening was organised at St James Church in Dalby to learn more about how Fairtrade works, with an opportunity to partake in some chocolate tasting and discover more about the real story behind the confectionary, which most of us take for granted.

Margaret Newton, local Traidcraft distributor, hosted the evening, providing detailed information about how Fairtrade works to help poor farmers, workers and their families around the world, and answering assorted questions from members of the audience.

Burgleyrys faggys da leval jeh "gear-cheim ashoonagh"

Naight - Radio Vannin

Burgleyrys faggys da leval jeh "gear-cheim ashoonagh"

Yn thooilley dy vurgleyrys-thie ayns yn Ellan ec y traa t'ayn, t'eh bunnys ec y leval jeh "gear-cheim ashoonagh".

Shen y credjue jeh eear-veoir-shee va ny chaairliagh jeh Barrantee Phurt Çhiarn, Ged Power.

Democracy in Scotland versus English hyprocrisy

Not surprising to see English hypocrisy spewing over the border. After spending years prior to the Scottish independence referendum pleading for Scotland to stay in the Union and remain an integral part in UK politics, now we see the Scottish electorate spat on and despised. We are now told, through the English controlled media, including the British Broadcasting Corporation (for British read English) that Scottish MPs are second-class in the British parliament.

We Don’t Need EU Says Iceland

This news published by the Celtic League:

We Don’t Need EU Says Iceland


What a difference a few years make!

Following the ignominious collapse of elements of its banking sector just over five years ago Iceland had to put up with bullying from the UK government which seized its assets and order and threats from the EU and International Monetary Fund.

Scotland: MoD Dirty Tricks at Smith Commission

This news published by the Celtic League:

Scotland: MoD Dirty Tricks at Smith Commission


An article in Scotland’s Herald newspaper today reveals behind the scenes double-dealing which effectively blocked powers which should have been devolved.

The newspaper article says:

“Internal emails reveal that senior MOD figures told the Commission it would be “helpful” if the final report on devolution included the point: “Anything which impacts on the operational effectiveness of conducting defence business should be excluded”.

Kernow: Signs of a Truce in Newspaper Dispute

This news published by the Celtic League:

Kernow: Signs of a Truce in Newspaper Dispute


There could be signs of a ‘truce’ in the dispute between the Kernow branch and the Western Daily News over an article branch members found offensive.

Branch Convener, Michael Chappell, says he has received ‘an apology of sorts’ from the Editor and also an offer to contribute an article to set the record straight.

This from Mike Chappell:

“Dear Councillor Chappell,

Thank you for your email.

CPT Asked to Consider Inspections of Nuclear Police

This news published by the Celtic League:

CPT Asked to Consider Inspections of Nuclear Police


The Celtic League has asked the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT) to consider extending the range of facilities it inspects in the United Kingdom to include the Civil Nuclear Police (CNC).

The CNC has responsibility for 16 nuclear facilities across Britain and can detain suspects within a fixed radius of these sites.

Kernow: Complaint to Police Over Newspaper Article

This news published by the Celtic League:

Kernow: Complaint to Police Over Newspaper Article


Kernow branch are really on the ‘front foot’ in relation to the newspaper article insulting Cornwall and the Cornish in the Western Daily News.

In the latest development Michael Chappell (Kernow branch Convenor) has referred the issue to Avon and Somerset police

This from Mike’s latest circular to those supporting the campaign – the link is to the original article:

Cornish Anger at Newspaper Insult

This news published by the Celtic League:

Cornish Anger at Newspaper Insult


The Cornish branch of the Celtic League is co-ordinating a campaign of protest about a recent article in the Western Daily Press which they say was insulting to Cornwall and the Cornish people.

A protest to the newspapers Editor is set out below.

As indicated the branch are encouraging individual protests from both within Cornwall and from the other Celtic countries in support of their campaign to seek redress.

Manx Coverage ITV Granada (News) Respond to League Query

This news published by the Celtic League:

Manx Coverage ITV Granada (News) Respond to League Query


ITV Granada has responded to a query from the Celtic League about the extent and depth of coverage they provide for Isle of Man based news items.

The League had written to both the BBC (NW) and ITV, following the 2015 Manx budget, with concerns about the coverage provided for Island residents.


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