
New Poll Points to Landslide Win For Scottish National Party in Labour Held Seats

With campaigning firmly under way for the United Kingdom General Election on May 7 a new opinion poll spells more gloom for the Labour Party in Scotland. With just over a month to go before the vote the Comres poll for ITV (a commercial TV network in the United Kingdom) looked at the Labour-held seats in Scotland. Opinion polls have consistently shown the SNP on course for a landslide in Scotland. The ITV poll puts their vote up 24.1%, with 43% of the Scottish electorate backing the party.

Time for Isle of Man (Mannin) to Ditch the BBC Licence Fee

Many Manx people are puzzled why they should pay a licence fee to a foreign (United Kingdom) broadcaster given that the Island is not part of the United Kingdom. The broadcaster in question is the British Broadcasting Corporation. As anyone who watched the coverage of the Scottish referendum campaign last year knows, it might as well be called the English Broadcasting Corporation given what many saw as the bias against Scottish independence it demonstrated at that time.

Isle of Man: Winners Announced at the Annual World Bonnag Championships!

With Spring almost upon us, the annual World Bonnag Championships took place at St James' Church in Dalby, where a capacity audience gathered to see who would be crowned overall champion.

It was another sell-out event for the busy organisers of this small, but very active church, who provided a warm welcome to everyone as bonnags of all sizes were lined up ready for judging later in the evening.

Kernow: Branch Hold Successful AGM

This news has been published by the Celtic League:

Kernow: Branch Hold Successful AGM


There was a vigorous debate at the AGM of the Kernow branch of the Celtic League held this week in Redruth.

Existing Officers gave a series of reports and all were re-elected for the coming term.

A range of issues were discussed outlining a branch programme for the year ahead and a range of resolutions submitted for the forthcoming inter-Celtic AGM in Dublin next month were also discussed.

Wales: Assembly Adopt Welsh Language Standards

This news has been published by the Celtic League:



This week the Welsh Assembly following passed regulations specifying Welsh language standards.

The Welsh Language Commissioner, Meri Huws, has welcomed the move and set out a timetable to take the process forward. Following the Assembly decision she said:

Home Office Respond on Cadet Abuse Hush Money

This news has been published by the Celtic League:

Home Office Respond on Cadet Abuse Hush Money


The Celtic League has received a response to correspondence sent to the Home Secretary about the Ministry of Defence paying ‘hush money’ to cover up abuse scandals involving the military cadet forces.

Irish Sea Airliner Crash – Almost 50 Years on the Mystery Remains

This news has been published by the Celtic League:

Irish Sea Airliner Crash – Almost 50 Years on the Mystery Remains


The airliner tragedy this week provoked swift action by governments and the airline and within days grieving relatives of some sense of what unfolded in the last minutes of the Germanwings flight.

Paradoxically this week marked the anniversary of an equally inexplicable airliner tragedy over the Irish Sea.

Renewed Focus on ‘Duke of Cornwall’

This news has been published by the Celtic League:

Renewed Focus on ‘Duke of Cornwall’


Following the Supreme Court ruling that the correspondence of the Prince of Wales to government should be released Kernow branch of the Celtic League believe that the activities of his estate in Cornwall should also come under focus and they want people to get involved. This from Kernow branch Convenor Michael Chappell:

“The dodgy Duke and his dirty dealings!

Kernow: FCPNM Impact Assessment Response

This news has been published by the Celtic League:

FCPNM Impact Assessment Response


The Cornish Branch of the Celtic League is pursuing impact assessments relating to the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities which was recently extended to Cornwall. This latest report from Michael Chappell Convenor CL Cornwall:

“The Kernow Branch has had a reply back from Cornwall Council which is below.

Protecting nature, communities and the quality of life are all linked

There can be no doubt, protecting the environment, wildlife habitat and nature, is also vital to the well being of communities, local culture and the quality of life experienced by people. There is rarely anything so distressing as witnessing the onslaught of heavy machinery as it rolls over beautiful natural land. Knocking down trees, killing the wildlife that has every right to live there and destroying a natural habitat forever.


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