
Gaelic Triumph - Edinburgh Opens First Dedicated Gaelic School

In the news this week are reports on the opening of the first dedicated Gaelic school in Scotland's capital city of Edinburgh.  The school, known by it's Gaelic name "Bun-sgoil Taobh na Pairce" (Gael, Parkside Primary Scool) will boast 213 students and a Gaelic speaking staff of 30. Classes will be taught entirely in Gaelic.

Party Breton (Strollad Breizh) Calls for Reunited Brittany

In 1789, the separation of the provinces of France resulted in Brittany being split in five; the lower of the five, in which Nantes is situated, being Loire-Atlantique. Loire-Atlantique was itself split from the other four departments by the Vichy regime in 1941; a new region had been created centred on Nantes called the Pays de la Loir. This separation was done without recourse to the wishes of the Breton people.

Cornish Language Revival Strengthens - Wales Hailed as Inspiration

This week has seen multiple news reports on dramatic gains for the Cornish Language in Helston.  Councillor Martine Knight of Helston has been characterised in news accounts as an emerging champion of the Cornish tongue.

Welsh Language Commissioner Meri Huws Defends the Rights of Welsh Speakers

Proving true to the promises she made to the Welsh nation on assuming her post, the web site "Walesonline" reports Welsh Language Commissioner Meri Huws has issued the First Annual Report of the Language Commissioner. The report  details 488 complaints received by her office against Public Bodies and Private Companies who are alleged to have failed to comply with Welsh Language statutes.

Growth in Manx Economy Predicted

The economy of the Isle of Man (Manx: Mannin) is looking toward a growth rate of between 3 and 4 per cent this year. Figures for the three months up to the end of June show encouraging outlooks for manufacturing, shipping, e-business, tourism, clean technology and aircraft registration. These are postive outlooks for the island which is free from the incumbency of English dominated rule.

Guldize 2013

Message from the organisers of Guldize 2013, the Cornish harvest festival:

Following a break in 2012 the celebration of Guldize, The Cornish Feast Day at the end of the Harvest, returns to Penzance.

I am writing to invite you to the event which this year will be held on Saturday 28th of September 2013. 

Northern Ireland Executive Fails to Support the Irish Tongue - Violates European Charter for Regional and Minority Languages

The website "InsideIreland" reports in an article by Caira Hanna, that the Northern Ireland Executive has come under criticism for it's "..failure to submit details on the promotion and progress of the Irish Language to the British Government for inclusion in a European report."  This information is required to comply with the reporting requirements under the European Charter for Regional and Minority Languages.

Demands For Improved Welsh Language Services In Health Care

As reported in recent weeks on the "thisissouthwales" and "walesonline" web sites, there is a rising chorus of voices demanding that Welsh speakers be afforded the basic right of being served by Medical Staff in the Welsh tongue. Keith Davies, National Assembly For Wales member for Llanelli, has cited the danger to patients health posed by the failure to provide Health Care services in Welsh.

Cornwall’s Chapel of St Piran’s to be Uncovered (Cornwall’s National Heritage)

Cornish flag

Plans are afoot to uncover the oldest four walled Christian edifice in mainland Britain. The chapel was buried under the sands in 1980. At the time it was said to be the best way of protecting the site. The St Piran trust and Perranzabuloe Parish Council, which owns the site, were originally awarded a development grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund in 2010 to investigate the feasibility of uncovering the chapel. Now the excavation work is set to begin.

Scots Gaelic Continues to Strengthen - New Gaelic School For Caithness

The online "HeraldScotland" reports, in the popular "Highland Line" column written by David Ross, on the victory for the Gaelic language in Caithness: "The first Gaelic medium primary school department is to open at the start of the new school session in August, Highland Council has said." 


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