
Gaelic Awareness Month in Nova Scotia

The following is an editorial appearing on the Website of The Gaelic Council of Nova Scotia, in honour of Gaelic Awareness Month: 

The matter of Gaelic language in Nova Scotia has been a subject of discussion for its advocates for nearly two hundred years. The question most asked is: will Gaelic die? Whatever will be, the Gaelic language yet lives in Nova Scotia and the month of May has been designated to celebrate its achievements.

Support for the Celtic Tongue Pushed as an Election Issue by Ireland's Gaelic League

Turning to the ballot box as a weapon in the struggle to advance the Irish Language, Conradh na Gaeilge (The Gaelic League) are calling on candidates in the upcoming local and European Parliamentary elections to declare their support for the Irish tongue. 

The Irish Times under the headline “Conradh na Gaeilge Pushes Irish as an Election Issue” reports that the organisation is calling on candidates to make public their position on supporting the Irish tongue so that voters can make their decision on which candidate to support using this information. 

Irish Branch Celtic League Supports Yes In Scottish Referendum: Meeting in Dublin and Belfast

This news from Celtic League just received:

Irish Branch Supports Yes In Scottish Referendum: Meeting in Dublin and Belfast

Broad Coalition Urges Action To Ensure "All Children Gain Welsh Proficiency"

The battle lines are hardening in the struggle to make Welsh the language of instruction in schools in Wales.

Cornwall Branch Celtic League tackles BBC over lack of co operation

Information release from the Cornwall Branch of the Celtic League:

"On 19th March, 2014, the BBC aired a programme entitled ‘W1A’ which was supposed to be humorous. Several reports in the media followed which informed people in Cornwall expressed dismay at the programme’s treatment of the Cornish who were portrayed in the usual bigoted manner by the London based broadcaster.

Welsh Language Rights Activists Arrested

Three Welsh language activists have been arrested this morning 12 May 2014. As reported in the Welsh Daily Post newspaper the two women and one man belong to Cymdeithas yr Iaith who are campaigning on the issue of the lack of support for the Welsh language by the Labour-led Welsh Government:

“Three campaigners have spray painted the Welsh Government offices in Aberystwyth this morning in a language protest about an alleged lack of support for the Welsh language.

Fête de la Bretagne 15 to 18 May 2014 - Gouel Breizh

Fête de la Bretagne week is celebrated by Breton’s in Brittany and around the world. It is a celebration of Breton culture in the lead up to St Yves Day. St Yves' Day on 19th May is celebrated on the date of the death of Saint Yves. Saint Yves was born on 17th October 1253 at Kermartin in Brittany. He graduated in civil law and became a lawyer and judge who was famous for defending the poor without taking payment. Saint Yves was ordained in 1284 and when he retired from law in 1287 became a preacher.

Poll: Do you feel more Cornish or English?

A poll by a group of newspapers in Cornwall has found the vast majority of those who voted do not consider themselves English.

Local World publications The Cornishman, West Briton and Cornish Guardian, gave users a chance to respond online after the county’s heritage was given “protected status.”

It asked: Do you feel more Cornish or English?

Users who took part voted 78 per cent for Cornish, 14 per cent for English and eight per cent didn’t know.

MPs Call For Making Welsh an Official Language of the UK Parliament

Under the headline “Call for Welsh Language Speeches in Parliament – Welsh MPs Have Called for Greater Freedom to Conduct Debates in Parliament in the Welsh Language”, the BBC is reporting on a move by Members of the British Parliament (MP) representing constituencies in Wales to introduce procedural reforms so that the Welsh language is treated equally with English. 

Isle of Man: Kentraugh Mill Opens Its Doors During National Mills Weekend

The National Mills Weekend, organised by the Mills Section of the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings, is a popular annual festival celebrating the milling heritage of the British Isles, providing a unique opportunity to visit a large selection of windmills and watermills.

Until the advent of the steam engine, windmills and watermills provided the only source of power for a number of processes, but here on the Isle of Man little remains of this once vibrant industrial heritage, with many of the mills having fallen into neglect.


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