
Urdd Eisteddfod 2014 hailed a success as preparations already underway for 2015 Eisteddfod at Caerphilly

The Urdd Eisteddfod was hailed as a success when a week of competition at Bala ended on Saturday. The annual six day celebration of Welsh culture held in Meirionnydd saw attendance for the week rise to 86,294 compared to last year’s 81,795. The Urdd Eisteddfod, which is dedicated to children and young people, is held in north and south Wales on alternate years and preparations are already underway for next year’s Urdd to be held in Caerphilly.

Disgusting! François Hollande Reported to have Dismissed Reunification of Brittany

The new suggested map of the regions has now been published and as suspected the perfect opportunity for the reunification of Brittany has been dismissed by French President François Hollande. Ever since the announcement of a reform of the French regions, hopes have been high that Nantes and the Loire-Atlantique would be reunited with the rest of Brittany. They were separated by the Fascist Vichy regime in 1941 and by failing to redress this atrocity François Hollande has by his actions confirmed that decision.

Ratchyn TT Mannin – Isle of Man TT Races 2014

Ratchyn TT Mannin. Y boayl share sy theihll son ratchal raaidey (Isle of Man TT Races. The best place in the world for road racing). This first week in June sees the world’s greatest motorcycle road race take place. The Isle of Man TT (Tourist Trophy) races began in 1907. The International Isle of Man TT (Tourist Trophy) Race was first held on the Island in 1907. The Snaefell Mountain Course was first used in 1911. The 37¾ mile long course rises to 1,385ft (422 metres) above sea level at its highest point.  There is nothing like the Isle of Man TT Races.

Breizh - League Cause for Concern Ahead of Possible Announcement

This media release just received from the Celtic League:

News from Celtic League

League Cause for Concern Ahead of Possible Announcement

It is with grave concern that the Celtic League has learned about French Government plans to further annex the nation of Breizh (Brittany) with areas of the French state, with complete disregard for the Breton people and their territory.

Reunification of Brittany - NOW IS THE TIME

Last month saw a demonstration of over 10000 people in Nantes for the reunification of Brittany. This was part of an ongoing campaign for Breton reunification. The former capital City Nantes and the department of Loire Atlantique were split from Brittany in 1941 without the consent of the Breton people. Political and cultural organisations throughout Brittany are calling for demonstrations in support of reunification today and the days ahead.  

News from Celtic League - European and Local Election Results – well almost!

This Celtic League Media Release just in:

News from Celtic League

European and Local Election Results – well almost!

The results for the European elections have (almost) been counted in the Celtic countries and the progressive and democratic nationalist parties who stood in the elections have done well in terms of numbers of votes gained and representatives elected.

Jill Evan's, Plaid Cymru - Party of Wales re-elected to European Parliament

Congratulations to Jill Evans who has been re-elected to the European Parliament. Promising a strong voice for Wales in Europe, the Plaid Cymru MEP will campaign for jobs and economic development in Wales and vowed to continue to fight for equal status for the Welsh language in the European Union. 

Scottish National Party Wins European Election in Scotland

Bucking the trend across much of Europe where political parties in power were defeated across the continent, the Scottish National Party as the ruling party in Government in Scotland won the Scottish European election.  South of the border the ultra-British nationalist United Kingdom Independence Party achieved almost 28% of the vote this was NOT so in Scotland. Here they picked up 10% of the vote enough to be able to take one MEP.

Using the Celtic Tongue To Build a Strong Economy - Scotland Partners With Gaelic Nova Scotia

Linguists are in broad agreement that a cornerstone of bringing a threatened language back to heath is a thriving economy within the language area.  And it is with this in mind that Nova Scotia's Office of Gaelic Affairs has invited Roddy MacLean, Scotland's Gaelic Language Ambassador 2012-2013, to give his advice on how to develop the tourism industry in the Gaelic speaking heartland of Cape Breton.

Renewed Calls to Make Welsh an Official European Union Language

The website "" under the headline "Only Plaid Cymru Will Promote The Welsh Language in Europe", a sitting member of the European Parliament (MEP) makes an argument for the Welsh language.


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