
New UK Culture Secretary’s Hostility to Devolution is a Warning Scotland Needs to Vote Yes to Independence

After the recent expenses scandal in the UK government, the minister involved resigned. For those abroad and not aware of the issues involved, the expenses claimed by members of the United Kingdom parliament over recent years have been the focal point of public scrutiny and criminal prosecutions. Questions about the previous UK Culture Ministers expenses claims resulted in her stepping down from her position this week.

Isle of Man: London Exhibition Celebrates the Work of Archibald Knox

This year marks the 150th anniversary of the birth of the world famous designer and artist Archibald Knox, with a number of events organised by the Archibald Knox Society to celebrate the occasion.

Born on the Isle of Man in 1864, Archibald Knox became one of the most influential figures in the British Art Nouveau/arts and crafts movements of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, particularly in respect of his dynamic partnership with the celebrated Liberty & Co of London.

The Scots Gaelic Comeback - Children are Returning to the Tongue

Citing the 2013 census figures which show that Scots Gaelic has stabilised in the language heartlands, and that fluency is on the rise with speakers younger than 20 years of age, the New Statesman carries a heartening article on the resurgence of Scots Gaelic. Written by Cal Flyn, the article is based on anecdotes from his family who can be best described has "fallen away Gaelic Speakers".

Breton Party Calls on Support for Rally in Nantes on April 19 for Reunification of Brittany

Along with other organisations and groups in Brittany Le Parti Breton (The Breton Party) has called for a large show of support for a rally in support of the reunification of Brittany. The rally will take place in Nantes - Naoned. The city of Nantes and the Loire-Atlantique Department in which it is situated were formerly part of the historic nation of Brittany. Loire-Atlantique, although culturally, historically and geographically united to Brittany, was split from the other four departments by the Vichy regime in 1941. 

Welsh Language Activists "Deeply Disappointed" at Government's "Farcical" New Vision for the Welsh Tongue

In an echo of the rising conflict between government and Celtic language activists across the Irish Sea in Dublin, the Welsh government’s response to issues raised in two separate independent reports on the future of the Welsh tongue has been attacked by the Welsh Language Society (Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg) and the Party Of Wales (Plaid Cymru). 

Isle of Man Stamps: Archibald Knox

This new stamp release, in collaboration with Manx National Heritage and Lloyds Bank, marks the 150th anniversary of the birth of Manxman Archibald Knox and focuses on designs from his iconic work The Deer’s Cry.

An internationally renowned artist and designer, who became a leading exponent of Celtic and Art Nouveau design at the beginning of the 20th century, his work remains popular amongst collectors.

Fèis Cheilteach Innse Gall 2014. Hebridean Celtic Festival 2014 Announce Growing Line-Up of Artists

The Hebcelt Festival for 2014 continues to grow from strength to strength. Announcing an impressive and growing line-up of artists, this year’s festival promises to build on past successes. The festival takes place on 16-19 July in a number of venues in the town of Stornoway, Lewis, Outer Hebrides (Scottish Gaelic: Steòrnabhagh, Leòdhas, Na h-Eileanan Siar).

Emglev Bro an Oriant Call on Support for Reunification of Brittany Demonstration

Emglev Bro an Oriant have called on people to support the rally for the reunification of Brittany to be held in Nantes-Naoned on Saturday 19th April 2014. The gathering assembles in Place Bretagne at 15h in Nantes-Naoned. ‘Bretagne Réunie et le collectif 44=Breizh organisent une grande manifestation en faveur de la réunification le samedi 19 avril prochain à Nantes.’ The city of Nantes and the Loire-Atlantique Department in which it is situated were formerly part of the historic nation of Brittany.

Astonishing poll results revealed by Cornish magazine!

In an astonishing poll conducted of its readership and followers on social media, 'myCornwall' magazine established that 37.71% favoured independence for Cornwall (that it withdraw from the UK and becomes an independent country) 52.38% favoured devolution for Cornwall (increased powers to a democratically elected assembly/parliament like London, Wales, Scotland) and 9.91% favoured the status quo (Cornwall remains as it is with a unitary authority) 76.2% of the readers and followers stated that they required a referendum!

Rugby To Rescue the Welsh Tongue ?

Welsh languge news this week included the ongoing controversey over the impact of Property Devlopment on the Welsh tongue, and an encouraging statement from the former Group Chief Executive of the Welsh Rugby Union: 

Property Development


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