
Commemoration of the Roc'h Trédudon Incident

On the night of 13/14 February 1974 the TV transmitter on Roc'h Trédudon in Plounéour-Ménez was destroyed. At the time this action was claimed by the Liberation Front of Brittany (FLB), one of a number of groups who were campaigning for greater autonomy or the independence of Brittany from France.  On Sunday June 8th 2014 about 600 people commemorated the event by walking from the square of Plounéour-Ménez to Roc'h Trédudon.

Scotland Supports the Gaelic Tongue in Cape Breton - Pan Celtic Unity In Action

In late 2011 Alasdair Allan, Scottish Government Minister for Learning, Science and Scotland's Languages visited Cape Breton in Nova Scotia. Minister Allan’s visit to the heartland of the Gaelic language beachhead in North America included an announcement on the start of a scholarship program funding Gaelic speakers in Cape Breton to visit Scotland and study Gaelic at the expense of Edinburgh.

Manx National Team Reach ConIFA World Football Cup Final

The Celtic nation of Ellan Vannin (Isle of Man) which is also known as Mannin has reached the final of the ConIFA World Football Cup in the Sápmi region of Sweden. Their place in the final came after securing a 4-1 victory over Arameans Suryoye in the semi-final.  The ConIFA (Confederation of Independent Football Associations) 2014 World Cup sees states that are unaffiliated with FIFA, stateless people and minorities competing. ConIFA is their umbrella association.

League Forces Change of Policy in Newspaper Group

This news just received from the Celtic League:

League Forces Change of Policy in Newspaper Group

A local newspaper group has changed its policies following a complaint lodged by a member of the kernow (Cornwall) Branch of the Celtic League.

Citing the inclusion of the Cornish into the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities, the issue was raised over the accuracy of a headline published on line and in the ‘West Briton’, ‘Cornishman’ and ‘Cornish Guardian’ which read: ‘Cornish domestic violence figures predicted to rise during World Cup’.

Scottish National Party Has Significant Lead in Opinion Poll

After seven years in office the Scottish National Party (SNP) holds a substantial 9 per cent lead in a poll on voting intentions for the next Scottish Parliament elections. The Ipsos MORI poll was conducted between 26th May and 1st June 2014 and amongst those stating they were certain to vote 39 per cent backed SNP, 30 percent Labour, 14 per cent Tories, 5 per cent Scottish Greens and  5 percent LibDems, (UKIP came in on a lower percentage in sixth place). This represents a major vote of confidence for the SNP from the Scottish people more than seven years after coming to power.

Testament To Irish - The Language of Saints, Scholars, Kith and Kin

The following editorial appeared in Ireland's Leinster Express.  Nothing can be added to this eloquent testimonial to the Celtic tongue of Ireland.

There has never been a period in the past thousand years or more when it has not been spoken and written. Even at the worst period of anglicisation and national catastrophe, before and after the famine of 1847, it remained the language of the great mass of the people outside the Pale.

Tŷ Cerdd Records Aims to Promote Welsh Music Nationally and Internationally

Tŷ Cerdd Records proudly state: “a world of music to Wales and the music of Wales to the world”. The new record label is being officially launched today and their aim is to present and produce music by Welsh composers or performers based in Wales. All the money generated will be reinvested into Welsh music. They say: “The mission of Tŷ Cerdd – Music Centre Wales is to support, develop and promote the creation, performance and empowering experience of music, both in and of Wales.

New Manx Gaelic TT Phrase Guide Available

With this year's TT races well underway, Culture Vannin has released an updated version of their successful Manx Gaelic guide, which provides a variety of key phrases for visiting bikers.

The guide, which has been supported by local mobile phone company Sure IOM, contains translations for phrases such as 'mist on the mountain road' (Kay er Giat y Clieau) and 'Mad Sunday' (Jedoonee Keoi).

Breizh: “Mass Protest on Epic Scale Needed”

This media release just received from the Celtic League:

News from the Celtic League

Breizh: “Mass Protest on Epic Scale Needed”

Politically and linguistically advances have slowly been made in the strengthening of the Celtic countries as distinct entities in their own right over the last twenty years. Despite some minor setbacks the Celtic countries have been making progressing towards a feasible goal over that period that could realistically mean one day that they will be making decisions about their own current and future aspirations.

ConIFA World Cup Sápmi 2014 - A Football World Cup with a Difference

Preparations are underway for the forthcoming 2014 FIFA World Cup to be held in Brazil from 12 June to 13 July.  Meanwhile in Sápmi a different soccer World Cup is underway. It is the ConIFA (Confederation of Independent Football Associations) 2014 inaugural World Cup, which sees states who are unaffiliated with FIFA, stateless people and minorities competing. ConIFA is their umbrella association. Sápmi is the name of the cultural region that is traditional home to the Sami people (sometimes called Lapps or Laplanders in English).


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