
Brittany sold out again - but the campaign for reunification continues

The Map of the Regions has now been adopted by the National Assembly. The borders of Brittany remain the same and as predicted the parti socialiste representatives sold out and denied Bretons what they have demanded for so long – Brittany reunified. This was a golden opportunity to right the wrong committed in 1941 when Nantes and Loire-Atlantique were undemocratically rendered asunder from the rest of the historic nation of Brittany.

Rise in Support for Scottish Independence as Labour Supporters Switch to Yes Vote

As reported in the Scottish newspaper, The Herald, a new opinion poll today reveals that the Yes Campaign is winning over Scotland’s Labour Party supporters. This comes despite the Labour Party forming an alliance with the Tories and Liberal Democrats in Scotland against independence. Over the last three months this shows a significant rise of 7% of Labour voters switching to support an independent Scotland.

The Cornish Language Partnership Launches "Speak Cornish Week"

The Cornish Language Partnership (MAGA) have announced “Speak Cornish Week – 2014”.  The website “this is the west county” is reporting under the headline “Speak Cornish Week Celebrates Unique Heritage Following Minority Status” that the Cornish Language Partnership Chair, Councillor Julian German, will launch the event on July 21.

Manx Blues Guitarist Davy Knowles to Perform at Yn Chruinnaght

This year's inter-Celtic Manx festival, Yn Chruinnaght, promises a bumper bundle of events during mid July, but to get you in the mood there'll be a selection of Manx, Irish and Menorcan dance displays in the Mooragh Park and the annual Ian O'Leary Lecture in Ramsey as part of the celebrations for Manx National Week.

Largely based in Peel, the festival provides a great opportunity to hear some talented musicians from both at home and abroad and learn something new, with a number of events free of charge.

Brittany Awaits French Decision on Regional Reorganisation. The Voice of the Breton People for reunification has to be heard.

As widely reported for many weeks the proposals upon regional reorganisation being undertaken in France and its impact upon the ancient nation of Brittany will soon be revealed. There has been a lot of speculation about the outcome. The clear will of the Breton people has been that Brittany should return to its historic boundaries. That is the reunification of Nantes and the Loire Atlantique with the rest of Brittany from which it was ruthlessly torn by the Vichy regime in 1941.

Scotland's HebCelt Festival Gives Boost To Scots Gaelic Language

Music, dance and the Celtic tongue of Scotland are all on display at one of the world's premiere celebrations of Celtic culture, the Hebridean Celtic Festival.

Yn Chruinnaght. Feailley Eddyr-Cheltiagh. Jerrey Souree 16-20 2014. (Yn Chruinnaght Inter-Celtic Festival 2014)

Va’n Chruinnaght currit er bun liorish Mona Inney Ghoolish dy chur focys da’n obbyr ta goll er jannoo ayns cultoor Vannin, ny cosoylaghtyn  rish cultooryn ayns buill elley – as ayns ny cheeraghyn er-lheh as chengey Cheltiagh ayn – as ny troyn lioroo ta Mannin gyn cosoylaght.

Yn Chruinnaght was founded by Mona Douglas to provide a focus to the work that’s being done in Manx culture, the similarities with cultures in other places – and particularly in the countries with a Celtic language – and the traits by which Mann is unique.

Leading National Health Service Surgeon States Voting Yes to Scottish Independence is Crucial

In a recent news article in the Scottish newspaper the Daily Record, one of Scotland’s leading breast surgeon’s has said that only voting Yes to independence can save the National Health Service in Scotland. Dr Philippa Whitford said: “In five years, England will not have an NHS and in 10 years, if we vote no, neither will we.

“If we do not vote Yes in September, I will be heartbroken. I have spent 32 years working in the NHS and it is very dear to me.”

Cornish Tongue Receives Boost From Language Partnership Announcement

Following on the April 2014 announcement on the finalisation of the Standard Written Form for the Cornish language comes another milestone in the brightening future for the restoration of the Celtic tongue of Cornwall.   The Cornish Language Partnership (MAGA) have announced a collaborative effort with Cornwall College and the Institute of Cornish Studies at Exeter University in the formation of the “Research Network for Cornish" 

Kilmaine Saints, Albannach, and Gaelic Storm Perform for 20,000 at Annapolis Irish Fest

The rebirth of Celtic Identity in North America and accompanying surge in attendance at Celtic festivals is not letting up. The Annapolis Irish festival is being held this weekend, (July 11-12) in the historic American city of Annapolis, Maryland.  A stunning 20, 000 revellers are expected to attend.  Estimates vary on the number of American’s claiming descent from the modern Celtic Nations.  An analysis of the American 2010 Census data proffered in an August 2013 article in “Business Insider” estimates descendants of Celtic immigrants to be in the vicinity of an astounding 50 million.


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