
French Economic Crisis Demonstrates the need for Independent Brittany

The French Government under failing and desperately unpopular President François Hollande staggers from crisis to crisis. This French government presides over a failing economy of unemployment and no economic growth. Now Hollande has dismissed his entire cabinet as the French economic crisis deepens. Imagine an independent Brittany that would now be thriving without the incompetent French state on its back!

Credit Suisse report - The Success of Small Countries. Independent Scotland would rank higher than rUK

According to a report by international finance company Credit Suisse an independent Scotland would rank higher on the Human Development Index (HDI). That is the case even without oil. The Human Index Statistic is a composite statistic of life expectancy, education and income and the Credit Suisse report ‘The Success of Small Countries’ concluded that on these key areas Scotland would rank higher than rUK (rest of the United Kingdom). It states that smaller nations "have been amongst the economic success stories of the past 20 years".

Demand For Irish Language Primary Schooling Prompts Calls For Increased Capacity – Demand for Placements Oversubscribed by 20%

The website is reporting that demand for placement in Gaelic medium primary schools is overtaking capacity which has led to calls for an increase in the number of Irish language primary schools. Reporting that over 5,000 primary schoolchildren will be starting the current term in the junior infant’s level; the article quotes a spokesman for the Irish Language Schools organisation stating that waiting lists for Irish Medium Schools at the primary level are 20% oversubscribed.

European migrants need to vote Yes to independence to secure Scotland’s EU membership

The pro-independence campaign is calling on European Union migrants in Scotland to vote Yes in the referendum. As pointed out by Scotland’s Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon speaking at a Polish for Yes meeting:

 "With the Westminster parties dancing to Ukip's anti-European tune, Scotland faces the very real prospect of being ripped out of the EU against our will in the event of a No vote.

Speeideilys ec carnival ny varriaght hymbolagh son Yn Çheshaght Goal Twoaie

Naight  - Radio Vannin website

“Ta lught Sheshaght Goal Twoaie Vannin gra dy vel ee er jeet er e toshiaght dy mie sy chied vlein eck, as ee cur roish y theay cooishyn va slane follit keayrt dy row syn Ellan.

Ta Sheshaght Goal Twoaie Vannin er jaglym cooidjagh paart dy phossanyn LDGT fo un ennym, as y vee shoh çheet nee ee cummal e chied daunse-moyrn.

Nee yn daunse shoh ardeailley jeh goll er e toshiaght yn çheshaght, as ee jeeraghey twoaieaght er cooishyn ta cur eddin rish co-phobbleyn syn Ellan ta lesbeeagh, gay, daa-cheintyssagh as tessen-cheintyssagh.

Isle of Man: Racing in the Manx Grand Prix - A Dream Come True for Manx Girl Ali Foster

Local girl, Ali Foster, will be lining up on the grid in the Newcomers B Class and Supertwin races at this year's Manx Grand Prix, with the realisation that she will finally be fulfilling a lifetime's ambition to race on the TT course.

Originally from Douglas, but now living in Foxdale, Alison comes from a family who've long been involved with motorcycle racing, including her cousins David and Decca Kelly, former winners at the Manx Grand Prix.

Voting Yes to Scottish Independence will protect pensions

As reported on newsnet scotland Scottish Deputy First Minister has condemned UK Conservative Party plans, backed by Labour that would see cuts to payments for pensioners across Scotland. Attacking plans to accelerate the pension age to 67 and abolish savings credit the Deputy First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon said: 

Isle of Man: Royal Manx Agricultural Show 2014

Despite on-going road works and changeable weather conditions, crowds flocked to the Royal Manx Agricultural Show, held at Knockaloe Farm in Patrick, for an extensive programme of events over two days.

With its friendly atmosphere and family based activities, there was something for everyone, together with a wide range of eateries to suit all tastes and lots of interesting ideas for those seeking new hobbies or pastimes.

Campaign for the Reunification of Brittany. Rally in Nantes on 27 September

The campaign for the reunification of Brittany continues with another rally in Nantes taking place on September 27.  As pointed out by the collective 44=Breizh this will be the third such demonstration called in Nantes in recent months, with the April 19th and June 28th protests attracting 10,000 and 15,000 people respectively. The Breton peoples demand for reunification will not go away as hoped for by the French government.

Isle of Man: The Green Fields of France

Presented as a 'docu-musical tribute', The Green Fields of France was the brainchild of Bill Quine under the umbrella of Peel Heritage Trust, organised to coincide with the centenary commemorations of World War I.

Held over two nights at the Centenary Centre in Peel, it expressed a wide range of emotions; viewing life from the perspective of both those heading for the battlefields and others left behind.


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