
Keepers of An Ancient Celtic Tradition - The Gorsedh Kernow Names 23 New Bards

The Gorsedh Kernow, an organisation with ancient roots and which is a driving force in the protection and promotion of Celtic culture in Cornwall, have announced that 23 individuals will be initiated as Cornish Bards.  The Western Morning News under the headline “Cornish Gorsedh Names 23 New Bards” quotes Cornwall’s Grand Bard, Maureen Fuller: “We are especially proud this year because the Government has recognised the Cornish as a distinct group under the Council of Europe’s Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities.

Isle of Man: St James Church in Dalby Celebrates 175th Anniversary

A number of special events were organised in Dalby this summer to celebrate the 175th anniversary of St James Church, including an exhibition, a special service and in conclusion an anniversary concert.

The popular exhibition, which was held during Manx National Week, provided an extensive opportunity for visitors to find out more about life in Dalby, with a comprehensive array of information and memorabilia.

It was based on the success of a previous exhibition, with additional material spreading throughout the church and overflowing into the schoolroom.

Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg campaigners call for continued action in support of the Welsh language

Two members of Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg (Welsh Language Society) were both fined £90 at Aberystwyth Magistrates Court on Friday 1 August. Robin Farrar and Bethan Williams, chair and former chair of the movement were involved in the painting of slogans, including “Addysg Gymraeg i Bawb” (Welsh-medium education for all) at the offices of the Government of Wales in Aberystwyth in May this year. They made it clear that they would not pay the fine and that further non-violent actions would continue.

Scottish Harpist Takes Manx Music Across the Atlantic

Internationally acclaimed Scottish harpist, Rachel Hair, is seen as a key figure in the burgeoning revival of the Island's traditional music scene, teaching several local pupils on a monthly basis, establishing resident harp group Claasagh and recently publishing a book of Manx tunes.

A tireless worker, Rachel stands at the forefront of her profession, and is now introducing Manx music to a wider audience as she heads across the Atlantic to the Somerset Folk Harp Festival, to be held in Parsippany in New Jersey.

Support the people of Tibet and stand up against Chinese bullying

The International Monetary Fund forecast that the Chinese economy will grow by 7.5% this year. China continues to be the world’s second largest economy after the United States, albeit that there are internal tensions within the Chinese economy that give rise to discussions about overheating and possible collapse. At this time, alongside its continued economic growth, there has been a rise in Chinese military capabilities. Its security forces are also used to suppress ethnic discontent within its current borders including in Tibet.

Gaelic Medium Education Fuels Scots Gaelic Comeback in Scotland

The Bòrd na Gàidhlig, an organisation formed under Scotland’s the 2005 Language Act, has issued its Annual Report for 2013/2014.  The report attests to dramatic growth in Gaelic medium education showing a 6% increase in primary school and a 7% increase in secondary school enrollment.  The Bord’s report attributes the reversal in the decline of Gaelic speakers, as reported in the 2011 census, to the increases in Gaelic medium education.

Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru. Sir Gâr, 1 - 9 Awst 2014 - (National Eisteddfod of Wales. Carmarthenshire 1 – 9 August 2014)

Yr Eiesteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru yw gŵyl flaenaf Cymru ac fe’i  chynhelir yn flynyddon yn ystod wythnos gyntaf mis Awst (The National Eisteddfod is Wales’ leading festival  held annually during the first week of August).

Isle of Man: Celebrating the 120th Anniversary of the Manx Electric Railway Extension to Laxey

It's been 120 years since the Manx Electric Railway reached the mining village of Laxey, on the east coast, but in celebration of this significant event the Island's oldest tramcars (Nos. 1 & 2) came into operation as part of the daily scheduled services during the weekend; with a rare opportunity to photograph both tramcars as they passed each other at Laxey Station.

Built by G. F. Milnes & Co. of Birkenhead in England, both tramcars are recognised by Guinness World Records as the oldest tramcars in service on their original system anywhere in the world.

Festival Interceltique de Lorient: 1-10 August 2014

August 1 - 10 2014 sees performers and artists from around the Celtic world coming together in Brittany. 2014 is the year of Ireland. There is a full programme of events in what is set to be yet another successful inter-Celtic festival. Further information:

Carmichael’s threat to Scottish electorate - Vote No and Westminster will tighten grip and you’ll never get another chance

In a remarkable piece of candour (or is it arrogance), the Scottish Secretary Alistair Carmichael has had the anti-independence campaigners running for cover. As reported in the Herald newspaper he has stated that if the Scottish people vote No to independence in the referendum the independence question will never be put again and “Scotland’s future would be settled once and for all”. He also made it clear that should this be the outcome Westminster (United Kingdom) would tighten its grip on Scotland!


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