
NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE - League Protest Treatment of Scot in Pakistan Jail

This just published by the Celtic League:

League Protest Treatment of Scot in Pakistan Jail


The Celtic League has expressed its concern to the United Kingdom government about a Scottish man currently in prison in Pakistan .

Mr Muhammad Asghar who is of advance years and suffers with mental health problems was recently injured in a gun attack in the prison when a prison guard ran amok with a firearm.

The League has also sent a forceful protest to the Acting High Commissioner for Pakistan in London .

Surge in Support for Scottish National Party

It has recently been announced that membership of the Scottish National Party (SNP) has risen by a remarkable 45,000 since the referendum. This new level of support is also reflected in latest opinion polls. Samples of daily opinion polls by YouGov this week in regard to next years UK General Election has the nationalists on 38.6 per cent, compared to support for Labour at 29.3 per cent. A Survation poll for the Mail on Sunday last week shows support for the SNP at the next Holyrood (Scottish Parliament - Scottish Gaelic: Pàrlamaid na h-Alba) election in 2016 standing at 49 per cent.

Celtic League’s Message of Solidarity to the Breton People

This just published by the Celtic League:

News from Celtic League

League’s Message of Solidarity to the Breton People

This afternoon (27th September 2014) a rally is being held in Nantes, Breizh (Brittany) that is being billed as ‘The Big Breton Rally’ for reunification.

The rally is the latest in a series of mass rallies that have taken place in the ancient Breton city of Nantes over the years to show the French government and the wider world the public support for Breton reunification of the Loire Atlantique department with the rest of Breizh.

‘Manipulation’ and ‘Interference’ in Referendum Campaign UN told by Celtic League

This just in from the Celtic League along with the Celtic League newsletter:

‘Manipulation’ and ‘Interference’ in Referendum Campaign UN Told

News from Celtic League

The general secretary of the Celtic League has written to the new United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, expressing his concern over breaches to an international covenant during the run up to the Scottish referendum on Thursday 18th September 2014.

Three pro-Union Parties are birds of a feather - Albatross and Chicken!

Apologies to the Albatross a very beautiful species of seabird that is amongst some of the largest flying birds. Also apologies to the chicken a domesticated fowl that comes in many varieties and has proven very useful to humans  for many centuries. Therefore both in terms of beauty and usefulness these birds clearly have nothing in common with the British pro-Union political parties, Conservative, Labour and Liberal Democrat. Well except that is that the word albatross is used metaphorically to mean a burden or a curse. 

Cornwall Branch Celtic League calls for 'one and all' approach to Cornish Assembly campaign

The Cornwall Branch of the Celtic League - An Kesunyans Keltek Scoren Gernewek - has written an open letter to many MPs, MEPs, Councillors, political parties and campaigning organisations with a call for a unified approach to the increasing calls for a proper legislative Cornish Assembly.

The text of the letter follows:

"24th September, 2014

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen


Following recent events in Scotland, devolution once again figures in the political agenda.

Ysgol Gymraeg Aberystwyth

It is 75 years since the first Welsh-medium school was established. Under the name of Urdd Gobaith Cymru but now called Ysgol Gymraeg Aberystwyth it was founded in 1939 by Syr Ifan ab Owen Edwards under the guidance of Norah Isaac. From those early days education through the medium of the Welsh language has flourished throughout Wales. When Ysgol Gymraeg yr Urdd was opened in 1939 it only had six pupils, but today there are more than 400. 

Message to the BBC and other London based media - we are very proud about supporting and voting Yes to Scotish independence

The BBC and other London based media are sinking to new levels of vindictiveness. Not being satisfied with having shown disgusting bias against the Yes campaign throughout the Scottish referendum. They now take it further by trying to disparage anyone who voted Yes especially identified high profile supporters. The latest target has been Tennis player Andy Murray who was challenged for having supported independence on  a twitter message he sent.

News from the Celtic League - What the No Vote Means for the Celtic Nations

This just published by the Celtic League:

Over the last couple of weeks members of the Breizh, Éire, Kernow and International Branches travelled to Alba (Scotland) to help campaign for a Yes vote in the Scottish referendum.

After the No vote, there should be time for reflection. But, as can be seen from the video shorts below, despite the disappointment at the result, campaigners remain positive and as sure as ever that, in the words of Alex Salmond, the campaign must continue, because “the dream shall never die” for Scotland and the other Celtic countries.

1934 Gresford mining disaster remembered on 80th anniversary

In the village of Gresford in the north-east of Wales special services are being held today to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the Gresford mining disaster. It was on 22 September in 1934 that an explosion in the coal mine caused the death of 261 miners, 3 rescue men and 1 surface worker. Of the men underground at the time only 11 bodies were recovered.


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