
Welsh and Cornish gather in Ruthin, Wales

At a packed rally at Ruthin in North Wales on Saturday 20th September, 2014, representatives of both the Welsh and Cornish Branches of the Celtic League joined members of Balchder Cymru and other politicians and political activists in commemorating Prince Owain Glyndwr's raid on Ruthin during 18th September, 1400 which lit the torch in the campaign for Welsh independence. The various flags and banners of Cymru were flown in addition the the flag of the Celtic League and the Piran of Kernow and stirring music was provided by the Cambria Band.

Reunification of Brittany: Support continues to build for big demonstration in Nantes on September 27

A week to go until what promises to be the biggest demonstration in favour of the reunification of Brittany so far. Next Saturday in Nantes at 14.00 people from all over the nation of Brittany will hold a rally to demand that Nantes and Loire Atlantique are re-united within the ancient borders of this Breton land. 

Speech delivered at Independence Gathering in Wales tonight by Mike Chappell, Convener Kernow Branch of The Celtic League

Many may view the result of the independence referendum in Scotland as a great loss. We must not see it that way and none will forget the panic caused amongst the self serving and thoroughly disreputable British establishment as they crawled their way to Scotland and offered all but their souls to keep their imperial Union intact.

Message from Mec Vannin (Manx Nationalist Party) to Alex Salmond First Minister of Scotland


Alec Salmond MSP

Office of the First Minister

St Andrews House

Regent Road



Dear First Minister,

On behalf of the Manx Nationalist Party, Mec Vannin, I write to wish you all the best for the future following your decision today to announce you were standing down from the role of First Minister.

You can be justly proud of the progress your country has made during your period at the helm of the SNP government.

Verdict accepted - but now pro-Union parties need to deliver on their promises of more devolution

Firstly we need to congratulate the Yes campaign in Scotland for the magnificent fight that they put up. They undoubtedly conducted the best campaign and had the strongest arguments. This battle is lost but the war is not. The fact that over 45% of the Scottish voters defied an absolute anti-independence media onslaught and threats from Westminster says a lot. 

Message from Scotland to the Nation of Brittany - Thank you

Thank you for all of your support on this momentous day for Scotland, regardless of the final result. We also know that a united autonomous Brittany offers the hope of economic regeneration and jobs. The demonstration for the reunification of Brittany taking place on September 27 in Nantes promises to be a great success. We are with you! We are all engaged in our own various battles at the moment. But our aims are the same and in the end we will prevail in achieving self-determination.

Alex Salmond, First Minister of Scotland, writes a letter to Scottish voters with the message - "Lets Do This"


"In these final hours of this historic campaign I want to speak directly to every person in this country who is weighing up the arguments they have heard. 

I have no doubt people in Scotland will look past the increasingly desperate and absurd scare stories being generated daily from Downing Street. 

Those have no place in a sensible debate.  

So in these last days of the greatest campaign Scotland has ever seen, I want to ask you to take a step back from the arguments of politicians and the blizzard of statistics.

Un message de Bretagne avant le référendum sur l’indépendance pour les Ecossais par un parti indépendantist breton, le Parti Breton/Strollad Breizh

From all across Europe, people living in small nations are looking up to Scotland and its referendum for Independence. In Brittany, the Breton Party wishes to organize an equivalent vote one day.

A travers toute l’Europe, les populations vivant dans des petites nations regardent vers L’Ecosse et son référendum pour l’indépendance. En Bretagne, Le Parti Breton souhaite organiser un vote équivalent un jour.

United Kingdom has stifled Scottish economic development

All of the talk from Westminster (UK) at the moment is about how hopeless Scotland and the Scottish are and how it would not survive without its English masters. The attitude and vindictiveness towards Scotland is clearly seen by British Prime Minister David Cameron's covert meetings in London to try and influence business leaders to say they would leave Scotland if there was a Yes vote. Well Dave, with self proclaimed friends of Scotland like you around who needs enemies!

Thousands demonstrate outside BBC HQ in Glasgow

Remarkable scenes, as reported by newsnetscotland, took place today outside of the BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) Scotland HQ in Glasgow. Protesters marched from St Georges Square in Glasgow to the BBC's HQ in Scotland at Pacific Quay. This comes after months of complaints and allegations of blatant bias against independence in BBC broadcasts.


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