
Time to address the problem of world population growth

According to a recently published United Nations study there is an 80 per cent probability that by 2100 the world population will increase from 7.2 billion to between 9.6 and 12.3 billion. A considerable amount of this increase is expected to take place in Africa, with two billion babies being born during the next 35 years, doubling the continent's population.

London Manx Society hold a successful annual Mhelliah Thanksgiving Service

On Monday 6th October in St Bride's Church in London's Fleet Street another successful Mhelliah was held by the London Manx Society (Yn Cheshaght Vanninagh Lunnin). The service was led by St Bride's Lay Preacher David Smith. Readings were in both Manx and English, including The Lords Prayer (Padjyr y Chairn) recited in Manx by Maisie Sell and the annual Tynwald Day prayer read by Mary Weller. Traditional Manx hymns were sung with music provided by another Society member, Margaret Brady.

Statement from Cornish Branch of the Celtic League - Catalonia

Statement from Cornish Branch of the Celtic League

The following statement has been agreed by the membership of An Kesunyans Keltek Scoren Gernewek – The Cornwall Branch of the Celtic League:

“The Cornish Branch of the Celtic League condemns the decision of the Spanish Constitutional Court to suspend Catalonia's planned independence referendum.

Evidence of Growing Demand For Irish-Medium Education

As recently reported by the Irish Examiner, there has been a 33% jump year to year in the number of students opting for an Irish language certificate with a corresponding increase of 28% in the number of schools offering the certificate.  The continued resurgence of the Celtic tongue of Ireland continues apace despite lack of support for the language by Dublin. Figures cited in the Examiner article show 14,172 students did the optional test, one third more than last year, and the number of schools where they were carried out is up 28% in a year to 251.

Cornwall Branch of the Celtic League welcomes Samuel Farmer the anti racism campaigner as new full member.

Cornwall Branch of the Celtic League welcomes Samuel Farmer, the anti racism campaigner and Director of ‘The Hope Project Cornwall CIC as new full member.

The Cornish Branch of the Celtic League – An Kesunyans Keltek Scoren Gernewek – are delighted to welcome Samuel Farmer as a new full member of the organisation and hopes to utilise his experience working with minorities in order to obtain the greatest possible benefit for all the Cornish people following the announcement that the Cornish were to recognised as a National Minority

Breton & Cornish cultural solidarity!

An enthralled audience at Redruth in Cornwall's Melting Pot cafe, situated in the Krowji Arts Centre (old Grammar School) were entertained during the evening of Friday 3rd October, 2015 by Cornish entertainers Frances Bennett and Ben Harris of 'Tredannack' and 'Hanterhir' respectively and then by Dom Duff the singer and musician from Brittany.

Demand for planning law in Wales to protect the Welsh language

A rally was held today in Pwllheli to protest that the Welsh language should be at the heart of the reform of planning laws about to be presented to the National Assembly. Their concern is to protect Welsh speakers and communities where Welsh is the majority language. The campaign wants councils to be handed power over developments based on their language impact. Local needs should form the basis of the planning system, not housing targets set in Cardiff. 

Remembering Mona Douglas - outstanding contributor to Manx culture

It is now 27 years since the death of Mona Douglas on 8th October 1987. However, her light continues to burn as brightly as ever. Mona Douglas was a Manx cultural activist, folklorist, poet, novelist and journalist. She was involved in many initiatives to revive interest and activity in Manx culture.This included societies, classes, publications and youth groups. In the 1930's she set up Aeglagh Vannin (the Youth of Mann) and adopted the motto: Piatchyn jiu, ashoon mairagh ("Children today, a nation tomorrow"). She composed a song for them:

O Land of our allegiance

A warning to Spain about bullying Catalonia

The Spanish establishment are happy at the moment. They think that they have halted Catalonia's independence movement in its tracks by the use of legal manoeuvres after Spain's Constitutional Court suspended Catalonia's planned independence referendum. It acted on a request from the Spanish central government in Madrid. Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy told reporters: "Nobody and nothing will be allowed to break up Spain."  He is wrong and Catalonia needs to stand firm against the disgusting actions of the Spanish government.

Membership of Scottish National Party trebles in less than three weeks

The membership of the Scottish National Party has trebled in the three weeks since the referendum. The pro-independence Green Party has also seen a growth in members. Much of this increase has come from traditional Labour supporting areas. Meanwhile Gordon Brown (ex-Labour UK Prime Minister) has now started an on-line petition to present to the UK government! This is to pressure them to adhere to the promises they made to the Scottish voters that Scotland's parliament would have more powers if they stayed in the union.


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