
New Poll shows collapse in Scottish Labour vote and surge in Scottish National Party support

An Ipsos Mori survey commissioned by STV (Scottish Television) has shown that the Labour Party in Scotland would face political annihilation should there be a UK general election tomorrow. Labour continues to pay the price for stabbing Scotland in the back during September's referendum on independence after they sided with the Tory Party to oppose a Yes vote.

Digital Archive of 10 million Scottish Gaelic Words Launched

Researchers from Univserity of Glasgow have worked for eight years to complete translations for the first phase of Dachaigh airson Stòras na Gàidhlig or the Digital Archive of Scottish Gaelic (DASG). It is the world's most extensive digital archive of Scottish Gaelic texts.

The DASG project has two main outputs:

Special Mooc Christmas EduBreizh Schedule celebrates the festive season in Brittany whilst learning the Breton language

EduBreizh is an association dedicated to the development of the Breton language on Internet. They are promoting an interesting Special Mooc Christmas EduBreizh Schedule: 01 December 2014 to 25 December 2014. It lasts for four weeks. Go to the EduBreizh website to find out more. Its never too late to learn a Celtic language and have fun at the same time! It sounds like EduBreizh have certainly set out to make it interesting and fun. Every week you go to 3 different modules with short videos.

Rhiannon Davies Jones: Welsh-language author of historical novels with a nationalist message

Rhiannon Davies Jones, novelist was born in  Llanbedr, Merioneth on 3 November 1921 and died in Ynys Mon on 22 October 2014.

Cornwall and second class citizens - a damning and open letter sent to the press and politicians by the Cornwall Branch of the Celtic League

Cornwall and second class citizens - a damning and open letter sent to the press and politicians by the Cornwall Branch of the Celtic League.

The Cornish Branch of the Celtic League
(The Celtic League has Roster Consultative Status at the United Nations)

28th October, 2014

Dear Editor

Our organisation is increasingly concerned at the way the public of Cornwall are being treated as second class citizens when compared to those resident in other parts of Great Britain.

Spain has to realise that the will of the people of Catalonia cannot be ignored

A vote on independence for Catalonia on November 9 will be a step towards separation from Spain. The Spanish government is doing everything in its power to prevent the people of Catalonia from engaging in a democratic vote to determine their own future. Barcelona wanted to hold a referendum on independence, in the same way that Scotland did. At every turn Madrid, using the power of the Constitutional Court has bullied and threatened the Catalans not to hold any kind of democratic vote or consultation.

Dylan Thomas- celebration of his birth 100 years ago

October 27th was the 100th anniversary of Dylan Thomas's birth. Throughout the year there has been a recognition and celebration of his work. Last night saw the conclusion of 36-hour live performance of the Swansea poet's work at Swansea Grand Theatre . Opening at 11am on Sunday, October 26 and coming to an end at 11pm on Monday, October 27 100 years to the day on which Dylan Thomas was born.

Manx build stronger links with Scotland

The Scottish Minister for Energy, Enterprise and Tourism visited the Isle of Man last week. Fergus Ewing Scotland's Economic Development Minister met Manx Chief Minister Alan Bell and Minister for Economic Development Laurence Skelly. They discussed strengthening links between Scotland and the Isle of Man in such areas as energy, tourism and international trade.

Labour pays the price for treachery in Scotland

The British Labour Party in Scotland is in turmoil. The leader of the Scottish Labour Party Johann Lamont has stood down. There is a wave of internal self-recrimination within this deeply flawed political party. It is all deserved. The act of treachery perpetrated by the Scottish Labour Party, who sided with the Conservatives to stab Scotland in the back during the Scottish referendum campaign, came as no surprise to many. After all they have been kicking the Scottish working class voters who have been loyally voting for them in the teeth for years.

Plaid Cymru gather for autumn conference in Llangollen

Plaid Cymru/The Party of Wales is gathering for its autumn conference in Llangollen. Welcoming the delegates to the two-day conference Plaid Cymru AM (elected member to the National Assembly of Wales/Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru) for North Wales Llyr Gruffydd said:

"I am very pleased to welcome Plaid Cymru members, new and old, to Llangollen for this important conference.


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