Dominique Corolleur's blog

Party Breton (Strollad Breizh) Calls for Reunited Brittany

In 1789, the separation of the provinces of France resulted in Brittany being split in five; the lower of the five, in which Nantes is situated, being Loire-Atlantique. Loire-Atlantique was itself split from the other four departments by the Vichy regime in 1941; a new region had been created centred on Nantes called the Pays de la Loir. This separation was done without recourse to the wishes of the Breton people.

Brittany Looks To Scottish Referendum Vote

Breton flag

As Scotland moves ever closer towards the referendum on Scottish independence, it is not only the people of Cornwall and Wales who are looking with interest at the outcome. Breton’s are also looking at how they can move towards such a vote. Brittany with its deeply rooted culture, language and identity needs the opportunity to have its say on Breton independence. The issue is also heightened by the coming 2014 referendum on independence for Catalonia. Many in Brittany also look at smaller Celtic nations such as the Isle of Man, which clearly benefits from having autonomy and managing their own affairs. Their example dismisses those who are foolish enough to argue that countries like Brittany, Cornwall and Wales are too small for self-rule.

The 2013 Commemoration of the Battle of St Aubin du Cormier (Breton: Sant-Albin-an-Hiliber)

On Sunday July 28th 2013 the cultural associations Koun-Breizh, MAB and Identity-Breton are inviting people to attend a rally to commemorate the Battle of St Aubin du Cormier. Historical flags of Brittany can be brought to this commemoration which takes place at the Memorial to the Bretons, route de Saint-Aubin-du-Cormier to Combourg / Sens-de-Bretagne commencing at 15:00. 300 m from the memorial place, the ground Koad Sev Pall is open from 12am for picnicking!


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