
Failure to support reunification of Brittany is absurd

The failure of l’Assemblée nationale in France to support the reunification of Brittany is a travesty. Despite the vote in the National Assembly it is clear that on every level the argument in favour of reunification was won. It could not be clearer that  Brittany reunified, representing 4.5 million people would increase its economic potential. In not supporting the reunification of Brittany an opportunity for potential growth, job creation and prosperity for the Breton people has been squandered.

Celtic League News - Cornwall Branch Celtic League Hosts Meeting With English Heritage

This news release just published by the Celtic League:

Cornwall Branch Celtic League hosts meeting with English Heritage

A widely reported meeting facilitated, hosted and chaired by the Cornwall Branch of the Celtic League has occurred between senior representatives of English Heritage and the Celtic League, 'Save Penwith Moors' (SPM), the Cornish Gorseth and the 'Cornish Ancient Sites Protection Network' (CASPN).

Albannach and Brother Headline at Florida's Dunedin Celtic Festival

Florida’s Tampa Bay area hosts the Dunedin Celtic Festival this Saturday, November 22, at the Highlander Park on the Gulf Coast.  Transceltic contacted Alan McHale, President of the Organizing Committee, who shared the following: “We have expanded the show this year to a second and third stage, the second stage will feature local folk and Celtic folk performers as well as the Middle and High School Pipe Bands.  The third and smaller stage will be used as filler between the main bands and will feature the Tampa Bay Highland Dancers.

News from Celtic League - General Secretary: Breton Reunification is an Expectation!

This news release just published by the Celtic League:

General Secretary: Breton Reunification is an Expectation!

News from Celtic League

The General Secretary of the Celtic League has written to the Minister of the Reform of the State and of Decentralisation ahead of a key debate about the territorial reform of Breizh (Brittany) over the next few days.

Isle of Man: Rare Opportunity to Hear Norwegian-Manx Music Collaboration

Historical links between Norway and the Isle of Man have been well documented by historians and scholars for centuries, but during November there'll be an opportunity to learn more about an exciting music collaboration between the two countries; with school visits, workshops and a concert at the Centenary Centre in Peel.

Gaelic language project launched at Aberdeen University

As reported in University of Aberdeen News: 'A project to develop an international world-leading framework for the teaching and learning of Scottish Gaelic is being launched at the Universities of Glasgow and Aberdeen.

The project is part of the Soillse research network, the National Research Network for the maintenance and revitalisation of Gaelic language and culture.

Celtic people are disgusted by ISIL

There has been worldwide condemnation in regard to the revolting murders undertaken today by the cult known as ISIS. This dreadful organised band of murdering thugs that call themselves Islamic State  are a bunch of evil killers. Nothing should be said to excuse their disgusting behaviour. There is no excuse. We all need to think of those minorities who are being abused, murdered and displaced by this gang of killers. All support from the Celtic peoples goes to the the Kurdish fighters who stand against this murdering scum.

ISIL (Islamic State) = Evil. Support the Kurdish People in opposing them

So they think it is a great thing to have posted pictures of mass murder (they call it beheading)! These grinning idiots who have perpetrated these crimes are very warped and evil people. Our sympathy goes out to the families and friends of those murdered today by ISIL (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant). Our sympathy also goes out to the minority peoples across Syria and Iraq suffering mass extermination at the hands of this disgusting cult.

Revolting, Disgusting, Repugnant, Abominable, Dreadful, Awful that is ISIL

How can anyone not be outraged by the so called Islamic State of ISIL. Lets not mince words here, these people are scum! Anyone that has seen their trail of destruction and murder across Syria and Iraq can be nothing but disgusted. Our sympathy and support goes to all of the minority peoples that have suffered at the hands of this revolting organisation.

33 Languages are in danger across Europe

Using data from the Unesco Languages in Danger project a list drawn up by  Christopher Moseley, University College London School of Slavonic and East European Studies points to 33 languages in Europe in danger.

However, Manx (Mannin/Isle of Man) and Cornish (Kernow/Cornwall) are pointed out as examples of what can be done to support languages seen to be at risk. In both Celtic nations concerted efforts are being undertaken to promote their languages.


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