Cornish anger mounts at Javid's ignorant comments and MPs' treachery

News from Kernow Matters To Us:


5 mis Du, 2016


Quote of the week: '....the Parties shall refrain from policies or practices aimed at assimilation of persons belonging to national minorities against their will and shall protect these persons from any action aimed at such assimilation. Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities Article 5(2)

And so the ill thought of words of Sajid Javid MP (or his faceless Civil Service speech writer) continue to cause aggravation in Cornwall.

Let us remind you of what was said at a time when so many of us are fighting against the unlawful act that is 'Devonwall', yes, the war still continues now set against the background of the utter shambles that has become Britain's untidy and ill planned departure from the EU, mishandled from the start by Westminster, who let's face it, lack any ability to organise much of any consequence, unless that is to make themselves the laughing stock of the world or to file an expenses claim.

"Some in Cornwall see their 'county' (sic) as distinct from the rest of their 'region' (sic), a special case that should be handled separately from everywhere east of the Tamar. If we're going to make a success of the 'South West' (sic), that whole attitude has to change." (Sajid Javid, Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government., Oct. 2016)

and watch Mr Javid say these words here:

Since then, some of our members who are also senior members of the Cornwall Chamber of Commerce have approached Kim Conchie its Chief Executive and asked him to publicly respond to the sort of ignorance we have seen,

Meanwhile, one of our members has written to Mr Javid and a copy of the letter may be seen below.

Now, if  Mr Javid thinks Cornwall isn't a special case, as he brutally puts it, we strongly suggest that he takes a brief glance at these websites and then carefully reconsiders his words.  Incidentally, it's really good to see our members involved in such a wide variety of projects.

'Cornwall For Ever!' - 'Kernow bys vyken!'

'Cornish UNESCO recognised Mining Heritage'

'Lowender Peran - one of the world's greatest festivals of the Celts'

'Gorsedh Kernow - Cornwall's College of bards

Akademi Kernewek - recognised by Cornwall Council as the definitive body responsible for Kernewek, the Cornish language.

Maga - Cornish language

Kresen Kernow - The Cornish Studies Library

Cornish Cultural Association

and there's more from where that came!

Now, even Mr Javid must agree, there's something different, something special about Cornwall. It is about as different from England and the cobbled together 'South West Region' as say Pakistan is to India, some would say even more so.

His ignorance has provoked many a blog site responses. Here's one of the most direct ones: 

Tory hatred of the Cornish and Cornwall is palpable, and it knows no bounds or borders

The letter sent to Mr Javid:

3a mis Du 2016
3rd November 2016

Dear Mr Javid,

At the South West Growth Forum meeting on 14th October 2016, you were quoted as saying the following:

“Some in Cornwall see their ‘county’ as distinct from the rest of the ‘region’, a special case that should be handled separately from everywhere east of the Tamar……If we’re going to make a success of the ‘south west’, that whole attitude has to change.”

Minister, Cornwall IS distinct. It was a named entity long before an England ever existed. That distinctiveness is why it qualified for Objective One and NUTS2 EU funding that nowhere else in your artificial and somewhat amorphous ‘region’ was qualified to receive. It is why your own government, in coalition, was a signatory to the inclusion of the Cornish in the Council of Europe’s Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities (FCPNM). May I remind you of what your then Prime Minster, David Cameron, stated at that time (24th April 2014):

“There is a distinctive history, culture and language in Cornwall which we should celebrate and make sure is properly looked after and celebrated.”

Indeed, your predecessor as Communities Minister at that same time, Stephen Williams, stated that Cornish inclusion on the FCPNM guaranteed Cornwall and the Cornish the same rights as its Celtic cousins of Scotland and Wales. Mr Williams also, correctly, stated that, with the Welsh, the Cornish are the oldest people on this island.

Despite this, and since the general election of 2015, your government has consistently attacked those rights. The Welsh, Gaelic and Ulster-Scots languages continue to be funded by government, while Cornish – listed by UNESCO as ‘seriously endangered’ – has this year had its very small funding cancelled. Under the current proposals for changes to parliamentary constituencies, even the integrity of our 1100-year old border (which, unlike English county boundary, is deeply embedded in and at law) is under serious threat, while your own statement hints at attempt at an assimilation which is expressly forbidden by the FCPNM. Mr Javid, it is not OUR attitude that requires change.

While Cornwall is always happy to work with any partner on an equal footing, homogeny such as that which your statement appears to support will not bring about the success that you desire. It rather produces blandness and lack of both vision and dimension. A partnership that consists of diversity and distinctiveness can only guarantee dynamism of the sort that will surely produce that desired success; and the extraordinary contribution to engineering and technology that has historically emanated from Cornish pioneers in those fields will, if added to the mix, ensure that success.

This, however, can only be ensured by the application of mutual respect. If any element is not shown that respect, then it is inevitable that willingness and cooperation will also be lacking.

Please accept the following quotations, all verifiable and confirmed at law, which you may find informative and enlightening:

“More, however, might be done on the question of (Cornish) status. Just as the people of Scotland and Wales tend to resent the description of their countries as regions of the UK, so the people of Cornwall regard their part of the UK as not just another English county. The creation of the Duchy of Cornwall in the 14th century may have been in some respects a mark of English overlordship, but it established a special and enduring relationship between Cornwall and Crown. Use of the designation (i.e. Duchy) on all appropriate occasions would serve to recognise both this special relationship and the territorial integrity of Cornwall, on which our witnesses laid great stress.” (Royal Commission on the Constitution 1973 [‘Kilbrandon Report’])

“The Crown is not the only absolute owner of the land in the UK. In 1855, the High Court ruled that: ‘The whole territorial interest and dominion of the Crown in and over the entirety of Cornwall is vested in the Duke of Cornwall.’ So, Cornwall is a separate kingdom! I know the Cornish have been shouting about this for a long time, but they turn out to be right. The Duchy is contesting its description as a public authority before the High Court now, over the mussel beds case. The original assertion of the claim to the High Court has surfaced again, and the High Court agreed to it as in 1855. And yes, Cornwall IS a separate feudal authority, i.e. kingdom.” (Kevin Cahill, ‘The Second Domesday’ 2013).

Finally, G.D. Flather, a Queen’s Counsel attached to the Boundary Commission in 1988, found of Cornwall: “a de facto, but not de jure, joinder with England.”

Mr Javid, your government will find that befriending and respecting the Cornish people for their distinctiveness, identity, constitutional status and natural talent will be greatly more rewarding to the aims of your government, and to the overall benefit of the United Kingdom, than treating us with contempt and arrogance, or attempting to pick a fight with us.

Gans oll ow holan vy
Yours sincerely,


We invite peaceful protestors to bring their Piran Flags and banners and to protest outside Cornwall Council, Truro during Thursday 10th and Friday 11th November when the public including our members will be directly addressing the Boundary Commission inside. In fact, it's a public hearing so why not come inside as well?

How about we give the 'Boys from the Boundary Commission from England' a Cornish welcome? Remember the little man smuggled in from Bristol surrounded by security guards who passed judgement on the local plan? And we are expected to respect these faceless bureaucrats? 

Several of our members are already booked to speak and others are attending. A few Cornish flags wouldn't go amiss!

Plenty of vacancies for speakers!

Public Consultation is on two days commencing at 10am to 8pm Thursday 10 November and at 9am to 5pm Friday 11 November, 2016. It is to occur at Council Chambers, New County Hall, Treyew Road Truro, TR1 3AY. A number of us are booked to speak but there are loads of free slots! Please book a slot to speak directly to the Boundary Commission!

Details here: -and

Object to Devonwall!

The Boundaries Commission are contactable at: Boundary Commission for England, 35 Great Smith Street, London, SW1P 3BQ and / or

The Boundary Commission has also set up a new website through which people can comment on the proposed new constituencies. This can be found


A blog from the lady whose mum organised the anti Devonwall Polson Bridge occupation and blockade

Why so much hate for the Cornish?

and attached is a poem written by one of our younger members!

John, Teresa, Craig, Tony, Matt, Mike, Clive, Ronan & Samuel

Elected Members of the KMTU Steering Group

Our bio: Our Steering Group members are a mirror of our wider membership. Of all ages, skin colours, ethnic backgrounds, countries of residence, occupations, vocations and professions, religious beliefs, political persuasions, sexual orientations and gender identification, we are drawn together by a common cause. We believe that Cornwall matters.


This blog is provided for general informational purposes only. The opinions expressed here are the author's alone and not necessarily those of