
Mann: Mickey Mouse Jibe Prompts ‘Bonhomie’ From Government Towards Press

This published by the Celtic League:

Mann: Mickey Mouse Jibe Prompts ‘Bonhomie’ From Government Towards Press


In a debate in Tynwald the press in the Isle of Man were labelled a ‘Mickey Mouse’ media by outspoken MHK, Peter Karran.

Kernow: Branch Seek Revamp of Glasney Commemoration

This published by the Celtic League:

Kernow: Branch Seek Revamp of Glasney Commemoration


Following concerns regarding the perceived ‘Anglicisation’ of a key commemoration in Kernow which remembers the 11% of the population of Cornwall who died violently in defence of their language, beliefs and traditions at the hands of the English establishment during 1549, the Cornwall Branch of the Celtic League has written to Penryn Town Council requesting to be more actively engaged in the ceremonies held annually at the Glasney Stone.

Australian Celtic Festival. Glen Innes April 30 to May 3, 2015

Glen Innes is the site of the remarkable Australian Celtic Standing Stones and a testament to the importance of the Celtic people in Australian life and history. In the Celtic lands of north west Europe standing stones are a feature of the landscape. Of huge significance to the ancient ancestors of the peoples of Brittany, Cornwall, Isle of Man, Ireland, Wales and Scotland they were an essential part of ceremonial and spiritual life. They were aligned to reflect significant features of the landscape, the stars and the winter and summer solstices.

Pre-Christian Norse Religion Gaining Ground in Iceland - Major Temple to Thor and Odin Under Construction

It is not likely that temples dedicated to the worship of theTuatha de Danaan will soon be a presence on the High Streets of Ireland, but it could be going in that direction in Iceland. Not to the Tuatha de Danaan of course, but to the Norse Gods Odin, Thor and Frigg. According to a recent article in the Guardian (linked below) there is a revival of the pre-Christian faith in Iceland which has reached critical mass, if you will, and now a temple is under construction.

Gloom laden Scottish Labour continue to lose support to Scottish National Party

Scottish Labour continue to lose support to the Scottish National Party (Scottish Gaelic: Pàrtaidh Nàiseanta na h-Alba) - SNP. They had hoped that a change of leadership would see some improvement in their fortunes. However, the figures from the recent Ashcroft Polls- an in depth research into selected Scottish constituencies, presents a very gloomy picture for Labour.

UK Minister: Trident Nuclear Deterrent Needed

This news published by the Celtic League:

UK Minister: Trident Nuclear Deterrent Needed

UK Minister: “The possibility that a major direct nuclear threat to the UK might re-emerge”

News from Celtic league

The UK Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Farming, Food and the Marine Environment has written in response to a letter sent to him by the General Secretary (GS) of the Celtic League ahead of a UK Parliamentary debate on 20th January 2015 on the future of Trident.

Manx Government Respond on TV Licence Queries

This news published by the Celtic League:

Manx Government Respond on TV Licence Queries


The Communications Commission has responded to the query sent on 27th January 2015 to the Chief Minister, Allan Bell, MHK, (CM) raising a number of queries about broadcast licence fees levied in the Isle of Man.

The full text of the Commissions response is set out below;

“Mr J B Moffatt
Director of Information
Celtic League
3 Imman Stronnag
Isle of Man


Our Ref:3255/CMcL/ll

Culture Minister urged to Review Management of Cornish Heritage

This news published by the Celtic League:

Culture Minister urged to Review Management of Cornish Heritage


The Cornwall Branch of the Celtic League has again written to the The Right Honourable Sajid Javeed MP Secretary of State for Culture Media and Sport seeking a meeting with members of his Department following on from a very successful meeting with senior representatives of English Heritage last year.

The branch is seeking a ‘review’ of the role of English Heritage in managing Cornish Heritage.

St Piran Celebrations Go From Strength to Strength

This news published by the Celtic League:

St Piran Celebrations Go From Strength to Strength


With St Piran’s Day just a month away Mike Chappell of the Kernow branch of the Celtic League has sent us a report on how a number of branch members will be heavily involved in the celebrations in Redruth.

The Kernow branch of the Celtic League has been campaigning, with a great measure of success, for almost a decade to get the day recognised as a public holiday. Several local councils have since granted the holiday to their staff.

Flanagan: New Chapter in Scottish Irish Relations

This news published by the Celtic League:

Flanagan: New Chapter in Scottish Irish Relations


Irelands Minister for Foreign Affairs, Charles Flanagan, TD, will outline a ‘new chapter’ in Scottish-Irish relations when he visits Edinburgh later this week.

Mr., Flanagan will be speaking about ‘the relationship between Ireland and Scotland’ at the European Centre for Carbon Innovation of Thursday, February 5th. After his speech he will take questions from those attending the meeting.


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