
Manx government shocked by it's own unpopularity or maybe it just doesn't care!

There is a terrible arrogance prevailing in the Manx government at this time. They really do not seem to have understood how very unpopular they are amongst the Manx population. Or, even worse, perhaps they do understand but just don't care! That certainly appeared to be the case when Manx Chief Minister Allan Bell seemed to question the whole purpose of a public demonstration against Post Office closures which took place in January 2015 (as reported on Manx Radio).

Wicked Tinkers and BarleyJuice Headline California's Sonora Celtic Faire

Billing itself as America’s original Celtic Faire as featured on National Geographic Television, the 29th Annual Sonoma Celtic Faire features Scottish and Irish Clans, Scottish Dancers, Irish Step dancers,  Welsh Longbow Archery, a Celtic Food Court and Celtic Marketplace. The impressive gathering of Celtic musicians will be one of the highlights at this year's event, from high-energy Celtic rock bands to the most traditional of groups. With 20 musical groups, performing on five stages, the faire offers something to every age and ear!

CRC Action Called for on Tallaght Child Arrests

The following published by the Celtic League:

CRC Action Called for on Tallaght Child Arrests


Allegations made in the Dail earlier today suggest that children between the ages of 14 – 17 were arrested in early morning raids by An Garda Síochána in the west Tallaght area of Dublin.

The arrests were related to anti-austerity protests in the area in November 2014.

Mann: High Drama and False Praise in the Corridors of Power

The following published by the Celtic League:

Mann: High Drama and False Praise in the Corridors of Power


It’s not every day the quiet tranquility of Manx political life is rocked by controversy but today was one of those days.

Chris Robershaw, the Minister for Policy and Reform, dramatically resigned just a day before the Manx budget was due to be announced.

The Foundation of Future Cornwall

The following published by the Celtic League:

The Foundation of Future Cornwall


Following on from confirmation that the Cornish people have been formally recognised as a National Minority and have now been included in the European Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities, the following statement has been issued by Cornwall Councillor Bert Biscoe, Cabinet Member and Portfolio Holder for Transport as well as being a founder of the Cornish Cross Party Constitutional Convention and campaigner for Cornish recognition:

Hooded Men: League Said It Was torture 40 Years Ago

The following published by the Celtic League:

Hooded Men: League Said It Was torture 40 Years Ago


Success, by Amal Clooney and the legal team representing the ‘Hooded Men’ will cause ‘huge embarrassment’ for the United Kingdom according to an article in the (UK) Guardian newspaper this week.

Huge Majority In Support of State Services in Irish - Poll Reflects Deep Affection For Gaelic

In a poll commissioned by The Gaelic League (Conradh na Gaelige) and conducted by the prestigious firm Kantar/Millward Brown, majorities throughout Ireland are shown in support of the provision of State services in Gaelic on demand. Opinion in the Republic was 7 to 1 in favor of Gaelic with support exceeding 50% in favor as shown in a separate polling district in Ulster. 

Redruth St Piran Celebrations Go From Strength to Strength

Redruth St Piran Celebrations Go From Strength to Strength

Get ready for a sea of black and white Cornish flags as Redruth readies to mark the the Cornish National patron saint of tinners at the 2015 St Piran’s festival.

The event will take place on Saturday, March 7, 2015, with the noonday procession of hundreds including ‘St Piran’ himself, local school children, the Grand Bard and Gorsedh Kernow representatives, MP George Eustice, local politicians and Councillors, members of the Old Cornwall Societies and Celtic League and Cornish musicians taking centre stage.

Isle of Man: Growing Interest in Snowdrop Walk in Dalby

With the long, winter nights behind us, many of us seek solace in the marvellous displays of early snowdrops, which act as an early beacon for oncoming spring; their nodding, delicate heads a positive indicator of better days.

And so it was that a fundraising event, organised by St James Church in Dalby, attracted many people to Dalby House, to experience a wonderful display of snowdrops, during a glorious, early spring day.

No Heart Without Language

An interesting video from "No Heart Without Language". We wish them the best in their endeavours.


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