In a few weeks Howard Quayle will get the opportunity to give the annual 2018 Chief Minister State of the Nation address. If you think back to last year the content was pretty vacuous and most notable for the quite outrageous attack on the media. It was the mainstream that was in his sights but he spun it to include social media. Quayles State speech was meaningless drivel that 12 months on sees people worse off than ever,
One thing was clear from the address though and that was there was to be no let up in charges and stealth taxes that are crippling life for many on low and middle incomes. He and is government have done little to address the problems of housing inequality and fuel and food poverty indeed the latter are worse now than they have ever been in living memory.
Quayles State of the Nation was greeted with fawning acquiescence by the assembled members of Tynwald most of whom lost any right a long time ago to describe themselves as representatives of the people.
The current Tynwald is the most subservient and self serving in living memory with the main preoccupation of most members being to protect the sinecures that Quayle doles out to them. The only thing that would improve Tynwald is if its black heart was metaphorically speaking burned out.
This years State of the Nation will offer more of the same cold porridge as Quayle gave last year. I haven’t had a preview but I know that it goes without saying that this government will continue to give opportunity to the few and misery to the many
Quayles message of despair is followed in the early Spring by Alf Cannan’s budget don’t expect any relief there either as with Brexit imminent and the UK economy in freefall the cycle of suffering will be perpetuated.
This Tynwald is a bad administration. It's bad for you and your family and its bad for the long term fortunes of the Isle of Man as a community. This government serves the interests of that Chamber of Commerce and a cabal of business interest around ‘the golden mile’. Their ‘party’ is your penury - you and your fate are of secondary concern if of any concern at all!
Link: Howard Quayle MHK reading the State of the Nation address in 2017 which was written for him by the Cabinet Office - meaningless vacuous words from a government without integrity!
Image: Howard Quayle MHK gives the press bench the evil eye.
Bernard Moffatt