First they froze you then they starved you soon having a drink of water could become a ‘luxury’.
News that the Manx government is considering metering for domestic water shows there is absolutely no political gutter that this wretched Tynwald will not trawl.
In the Republic of Ireland metering has led to fierce controversy with politicians not only berated but physically attacked. Folk have been jailed in water protests.
The Manx government and Tynwald of course believe the Manx people as always will take this lying down - they are probably right. How gutless are we if we don’t take a stand against this precursor to privatisation muted by an Authority that already has some of the highest electricity prices on the planet.
It’s ironic that the Isle of Man has been bigging up its aid provision of water bore-holes overseas - we may need them locally soon!
Outlining the possibility of metering is one of the ‘new reforming’ Tynwald members ‘Popeye’ Allinson. Apparently Allinson is well thought of for his medicinal prowess in his Ramsey constituency and yet the legacy of his constituents ‘gifting him to our parliament is some decidedly unpalatable medicine for the rest of us maybe ‘water on the brain’!
Image: ‘Popeye’ Allinson MHK