Manx government responses to recent criticism and the importance of independent media websites

There has been a fair amount of criticism levelled against the Manx government over recent weeks. It has come from a variety of sources as you would expect in any democratic society where freedom of expression is recognised as a human right under article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and recognised in international human rights law in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). The comments pointed towards the Manx government recently have come from a variety of sources, including political organisations, pressure groups and individuals.

It is interesting that in this day and age that much of the comments directed toward the Manx government emanate from various independent media websites. They use the computer to facilitate the creation and sharing of information, make criticisms, and put forward alternative policies to those currently being advocated by that government. Clearly some media sites are better and more useful in this regard than others. Most Manx people prefer to refer to those sites that promote progressive opinion and analysis on the island nation of the Isle of Man (Mannin). These sites are very important in the promotion of democratic discussion. As can be quite common in democratic societies sometimes the comments made are taken up by the main stream media. Recent comments made towards the policies and direction being taken by the present Manx administration have quite rightly been responded to by ministers within that government.

Most people are happy when criticisms are answered constructively by government. Raising issues of importance to Manx people and promoting discussion does not mean, of course, that a government should be run by constantly changing tack in answer to every criticism. Nor would it be advisable to put every necessary decision to a general vote by the electorate on every single political question and therefore run a government by constant plebiscite and popular vote. There are already political organisations in the Isle of Man who put forward an alternative view for the Island's future. This includes Mec Vannin, who seek to achieve national independence for the Isle of Man as a sovereign state. Who therefore put forward their positive progressive nationalist view of how the Island could secure a better future and so campaign on that basis.  

As it stands Manx elected representatives have the privilege of being voted into the oldest continuous parliament in the world. Tynwald is the Isle of Man’s parliament and is of Norse origin. It is over 1,000 years old, and the oldest parliament in the world with an unbroken existence. Manx people are quite rightly proud of their Island. If a Manx government is seen to be protecting and promoting the proud independent traditions and culture of the Isle of Man. Seen to be working in the interests of all of the the Manx people and not narrow based greed inspired interest groups. Seen to be striving to secure for them and their families the best possible standard of living. Seen to be protecting our precious environment. Not only will they receive the support of the Manx population, they can look back with pride at their time of public service in the knowledge that they have served this Island nation and its people to the best of their ability.

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