Interesting article (below) from the Mannin (Isle of Man ) Branch of the Celtic League. Looking at the performance of the Manx government after the last election to the House of Keys (Manx: Yn Kiare as Feed), which is the directly elected lower house of Tynwald, the parliament of the Isle of Man. Should not come as too much of a surprise for those in Britain seeking a new government. Given that the present Labour Party opposition, under their leader, Kier Starmer, is indistinguishable from the present Tory Government.
A new House of Keys, a new promise that seemed to be the message after the last election. You had an eclectic mix of socialists, liberals of various hues, not to mention a plethora of ‘greenies’ and even a couple of defectors from ‘the fourth estate’.
Mind you we still had the old thinking in the shape of Alf Cannan as a kind of Karloff creation of the Chamber of Commerce. But hey there were even more ‘wimmin’ bringing a balance that should ensure a new fairer, greener, more equal future. Problems like homelessness and poverty sat on by previous administrations for a decade would be addressed. It all seemed so…well promising.
Now we are well buried into year two of the new dawn. What's changed? Nothing it seems!
If anything there’s more homelessness, food poverty and people are less well off. It's the same old same as. The ‘greenies’ were just greenwash, the liberals were just conservatives with slightly less blue tinge and the socialists were just the usual ‘champagne’ version!
One thing has changed, they all seem to get an easier ride from the media (mainstream and social) so expect no change anytime soon!'
'Bernard Moffatt
Mannin Branch Celtic League'