Earlier in the day I’m focused on the forces of darkness later on it's ‘The Dark Prince’. It's the Alf Cannan MHK Year 2 interview on MTTV and you know that while you can give Ann Corlett or Martyn Perkins MHKs a miss and fade Clare Bellison MHK out after a few minutes with Alf - it's a must watch.
Alf I’m pleased to say has been paying attention to what I write because he is less manic in the Paul interview than he was the last few stints in the Manx radio ‘Portal’. Either that or he was thrown by reporter Tim Glovers sparkling white shirt in the latter. Maybe white is to Alf what red and postmen are to dogs.
If the interview Alf continues like this it will be ‘booooring’ I muse but then Paul sharpens things up by annoying me.
Paul is banging on again about how biased the BBC Panorama report was. ‘No it wasn’t’ I shout at the screen (now I’m manic) ‘it showed this disreputable hole and the business we encourage here for what it is’.
I mean it comes to something when the Manx media are criticising BBC Panorama. I’m no fan of the BBC but I can’t see Paul masquerading as a student like John Sweeney and secretly filming in North Korea or doing an expose from in Belarus where they were doing things to journalists that the Saudis have just wised up to.
I struggle back into the thread of the Cannan interview and ‘Mr Reasonable MHK’ is outlining modestly all his successes.
Alf will not say he wants to be Chief Minister and when asked about ‘Howard Quayle’ he says ‘Howard Quayle the Chief Minister’ as if he has a plethora of ‘Howard Qs’ he deals with every day. That's a revealing insight it seems Alf deals with the problem of Howard in the big chair by psychologically reducing the Chief Minister to a ‘non person’...hmm!
Alf has a weird kind of detached bearing at one point I strain to see if there is a mic on the left ear through which Treasury CEO is issuing guidance but no he seems genuinely laid back - strange. Indeed by the final stages of the interview Paul Moulton is becoming increasingly agitated by the fact Alf will not play the numbers game averring that even ‘Howard Quayle’ scored himself. Alf gives one of those quizzical ‘who is Howard Quayle’ looks again.
Alf rambles of on a tangent telling us how big his…..constituency is. I muse ‘not as big as your ego Alf’!
The synopsis is the Isle of Man is doing well. Alf Cannan MHK is doing well. The government is doing well - with the sub text unstated it would do better if Alf was leading it. The Chamber are doing well. That's all Alf cares about - sod you.
Note; Must cancel my MTTV MHK YEAR 2 box set order!
Image: Treasury Minister Alf Cannan gives one of those quizzical ‘who is Howard Quayle’ looks
Here’s the link:
Bernard Moffatt