Welsh Language Commissioner Meri Huws: "Time Is Now For a Welsh Way of Drafting Laws"

The Welsh Language Commissioner Meri Huws is quoted in an article on the web site "Daily Post" calling for a more rigorous application of the spirit of the "Welsh Language (Wales) Measure of 2011" in drafting legislation and policy. The 2011 Measure confirmed the status of Welsh as an official Language in Wales. Under the 2011 Act, Huws was appointed as the first Welsh language Commissioner. In the Daily Post article the Language Commissioner is quoted as follows: "It is now time for the Welsh Government to develop a 'rigorously Welsh way' of drafting laws. Three years have passed since the Welsh language measure 2011 gave the Welsh language official status. In order for this official status to become something more than mere words, the Welsh language must be a central consideration in all policy areas."

Huws continued and emphasised that the time has arrived for the full impact of the 2011 landmark Act to lead to a "Welsh Way" of making law: "Referring to the Welsh language on the face of the acts will enable the Government to demonstrate it has a unique way of legislating, in a way which meets specific needs of this bilingual country and its citizens. The bills which will discussed and presented before the (Welsh) Assembly in 2014 have far reaching implications in terms of quality of life of the people of Wales...Referring to the Welsh language on the face of these bills will enable the Government to demonstrate that it sets out to improve the citizen's experience and that it is serious about seeing the Welsh language survive." 

Since her appointment on 2 April 2012, Huws has shown to be a tireless champion for the Welsh tongue.  On assuming her post, Huws stated: "I will be a voice for the Welsh Language, acting on behalf of Welsh speakers. That is my promise. As I prepare to undertake this work, my vision is of a Wales where the Welsh language is central to public life, where Welsh speakers have the confidence to use Welsh and trust the law to right any injustice they may suffer for using the Welsh language."  2013 saw the issuance of the "First Annual Report of the Language Commissioner".  This report detailed 488 complaints received by the Commissioner's office against Public Bodies and Private Companies who were alleged to have failed to comply with Welsh Language Statute.

I have immense respect for Welsh Language Commissioner Meri Huws and wish the Commissioner and her Staff  a productive and successful 2014.

A summary of the Welsh Language Measure (Wales) 2011:

This Measure by the National Assembly for Wales:

  • gives the Welsh language official status in Wales
  • provides for a Welsh Language Partnership Council
  • establishes the role of the Welsh Language Commissioner
  • provides for an Advisory Panel to the Welsh Language Commissioner
  • makes provision for promoting and facilitating the use of the Welsh language
  • makes provision about standards relating to the Welsh language
  • establishes the principle that the Welsh language should be treated no less favourably than the English language
  • makes provision for the investigation of interference with the freedom to use the Welsh language
  • establishes a Welsh Language Tribunal




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