Emmett McIntyre's blog

Irish National Parliament Promotes Development of Irish Language in Northern Ireland - Cites Failure to Honour Good Friday Agreement

The following was posted to the Offical Web Page of the Oireachtas (Irish National Parliament) on June 13, 2013: "The Joint Committe on the Implementation of the Good Friday Agreement this morning engaged with a wide range of advocates on the work in developing the Irish Langauge in Northern Ireland."

The article continued: "Committee Members, and indeed each of the witnesses, are at one on the necessity for an Irish Language Act (by the Northern Ireland Assembly) which was promised in the (2006) Saint Andrews Agreement."

Absence of Gaelic Ballot in Scottish Independence Vote is Questioned

Dr. Wilson McLeod, Senior Lecturer in Celtic and Head of the Celtic & Scottish Studies Department at the University of Edinburgh, has challenged the Scottish Government's decision not to make available a bilingual ballot for the September 2014 referendum on Scottish Independence in English and  in Gaelic.

Irish Secretary of Education Targets Improvements in Irish Language Primary Education

Sean O'Foghlu, Secretary General of the Department of Education, has cited in an address to the COGG the need to improve strategies for teachers in primary schools in Irish speaking areas (Gaeltacht) to ensure children maintain and improve proficiency in the Irish tongue.  The Secretary stated that current research suggests that upon entering primary school that children's Irish langugae skills actually begin to deteriorate. 

Scottish Parliament Promotes Use of Gaelic Language Services

The Scottish Parliament reflecting its commitment to give Scots Gaelic parity with English has called for visitors to Parliament, Members of the Scottish Parliament and Parliamentary Staff to learn and use Gaelic. 

Cornish Language Proposal Submitted To Truro City Council

Truro City Council is to investigate a proposal submitted by Councillor Conan Jenkin.  The proposal now before the Council is to install Cornish language signage advertising local amenities.

Scottish Parliament Launches Celtic Language Plan - Minister urges Equality with English

The Scottish Parliament launched its second Gaelic Language Plan at a reception on May 15, 2013.

The Gaelic Development Minister for the Scottish Government, Dr. Alasdair MacCaluim, was quoted by the Governments website urging that Gaelic enjoy equal status with English: "I am pleased to introduce our latest Gaelic Language Plan as it demonstrates the Scottish Parliament Corporate Body's ongoing commitment to Gaelic, and to the principle that Gaelic should be given equal respect with English, as set out in the Gaelic Language (Scotland) Act."

President of Ireland charges that lack of government services in Irish language is a denial of human rights

President of Ireland, Michael Higgins, has addressed the “International Conference on Language Rights” held in Dublin May 23-25, 2013.  The conference is sponsored by the “Office of An Coimisineir” established by the Irish Government under the provisions of the “Official Languages Act of 2003” which aims to increase the use of the Irish language by government employees.  The Conference is also sponsored by Cardiff University.

Scottish Highlands Music Students in Cultural Exchange with Donegal

As reported in the Donegal News, members of the Letterkenney music school "Ceol na Ciolle" are hosting the "Cairngorms Ceildh Trail" student music group based in the Cairgorms National Park region of the Scottish Highlands.

Celtic Origins to be studied at the University of Wales

The University of Wales Centre for advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies in Aberystwyth has received a grant to fund a three year project to investigate the origins of the Celts. The focus of the study will be to investigate the "Archeological background of the emergence of the Celtic languages in Western Europe".

Stonehenge Seeks Druidical Liaison

The proprietors of Stonehenge are seeking a General Manager whose duties will include "Liaising with Druid Leaders". According to the Daily Telegraph's  report, the General Manager's duties will include "..maintaining relations with Druid leaders such as King Arthur Pendragon..". 


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