The Celebration of Ireland’s International bestselling historical crime mystery series The Sister Fidelma Series is taking place at Cashel, Co. Tipperary, Ireland, from Friday, September 12, to Sunday, September 14, 2014. There are now twenty-five in the series which have been published in 18 languages. They are mainly set in 7th Century Ireland where the heroine is investigator Fidelma, sister of King Colgú of Munster. With her companion, a Saxon, Brother Eadulf, she is an advocate of the Brehon Laws of ancient Ireland.
The author of the Sister Fidelma series is Peter Tremayne the pseudonym of Peter Berresford Ellis. Under his own name he has published 34 books covering many aspects of Celtic history and culture. As Peter Tremayne, he has also published over 50 novels and over 90 short stories. Amongst his many international fans are those from the Celtic nations. His Sister Fidelma stories have been published in a number of Celtic languages. Those in Breton are Koulm ar Marv (The Dove of Death) and Absolvenn dre Vuntr (Absolution by Murder). Later this year a further book in Breton Kegid d’ar Gousperoú (Hemlock at Vespers) will be published by ABER.