
Happy St. Patrick's Day! A Celebration Of All Things Irish

Saint Patrick is the primary patron saint of Ireland and Saint Patrick's Day is observed on 17th March, which is said to be the date of his death. Celebrated inside and outside Ireland as a religious and cultural holiday, it is also a celebration of Ireland and all things Irish. Patrick was a 5th Century missionary, who came from Roman Britain and first arrived in Ireland as a slave. Patrick tells us he came from an area called Bannevam Taburniae.

Excavation of 5,000-year-old Neolithic site in Orkney to end next year

The Ness of Brodgar is the thin strip of land, in the West Mainland of Orkney, that separates the lochs of Harray and Stenness. To the southeast are the Standing Stones of Stenness dating from between 3000BC and 2500BC, and to the north-west is the Ring of Brodgar, a Neolithic henge and stone circle thought to date between 2500 BC and 2000 BC. Then in 2002 a geophysical survey revealed a huge prehistoric complex, indicating many buildings beneath the Ness. Excavations at the site began in 2003 and have continued since that time.

Yn Chruinnaght - Celtic Gathering Isle of Man 24th - 30th July 2023

Yn Chruinnaght (The Gathering) is an annual festival that honours the Isle of Man’s Celtic roots and its strong bond with Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Cornwall, and Brittany. This years gathering has been announced as taking place between 24th - 30th July. The festival hosts a many varied events showcasing music, dance, language, arts and crafts, lectures and more.

Saint Non mother of David patron saint of Wales

Saint David (Welsh: Dewi Sant c. 500 – c. 589) is the patron saint of Wales. Celebrations are taking place today on March 1st, St David's Day, recognised as a National Day throughout Wales. The date is tradionally seen as that on which Saint David died in 589.  He was a Welsh bishop of Mynyw, now St Davids (Welsh: Tyddewi) during the 6th century. He is traditionally believed to be the son of Saint Non and the grandson of Ceredig ap Cunedda, King of Ceredigion. 

Suspected Crime Scene Revealed as Burial Site from Scotland's Iron Age

Applecross (Scottish Gaelic: A' Chomraich) is a peninsula north-west of Kyle of Lochalsh in the council area of Highland, Scotland. In July 2015, during renovation work on a property in Applecross skeletal remains were found under a kitchen floor. At first there was a suspicion that it was an 18th Century murder scene. An archaeologist, Cathy Dagg and a colleague were joined by Applecross Archeological Society to carry out the excavation of the site. As work continued more bones were uncovered and it became clear that it was a multiple burial site.

Highest Manx Cultural Award Goes to Fiona McArdle

Media Release from Culture Vannin

3 February 2023

"Fiona McArdle awarded the Isle of Man’s highest cultural honour

The Reih Bleeaney Vanannan 2023 has been awarded to Fiona McArdle for her lifelong commitment to and continued involvement in so many facets of Manx culture.

Cymru: Swansea May 20th - First March for Independence in 2023!

All Under One Banner Cymru and YesCymru have announced their first March for Independence of 2023 will be held in Swansea on May 20. Marchers are encouraged to meet from 11.30am on Saturday 20th May at Wind Street Swansea with the march leaving promptly at 1pm.

Elfed Williams, Chair of YesCymru said: “There is something special about coming together to march for an independent Wales and it’s great to see that the marches have grown every time with the Swansea march being the most ambitious yet!

Little Ross Island Lighthouse Keeper Murder Remembered

Little Ross is a small 29-acre island off the coast of the Solway Firth (Scottish Gaelic: Tràchd Romhra) in southwest Scotland (Alba). The island is south of the town of Kirkcudbright, Galloway (Scottish Gaelic: Cille Chùithbeirt, Gall-Ghàidhealaibh). Some years ago Little Ross was sold and recently it has been reported that planning proposals have been submitted to bring derelict cottages back into use as holiday lets.

Irish Rowing Team Sets New Atlantic Crossing Record

An Irish team has set a new record for the fastest crossing of the Atlantic by a team of five rowers. The team; Tom Nolan, Diarmuid Ó Briain, Shane Culleton, Gearoid O'Briain and Derek McMullen, set off from La Gomera in the Canary Islands on 12 December 2022. They reached Antigua in 33 days 12 hours and 38 minutes crossing the finish line in the The Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge on 14th January. They broke the previous record of 35 days 19 hours and 50 minutes, set in 2020. 

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from everyone at Transceltic

Nollick Ghennal as Blein Vie Noa (Manx Gaelic)

Nollaig Chridheil agus Bliadhna Mhath ùr (Scottish Gaelic)

Nollaig Shona Dhuit agus Bliain Nua Fe Mhaise (Irish Gaelic)

Nedeleg Laouen na Bloavezh Mat  (Breton)

Nadolig Llawen a Blwyddyn Newydd Dda (Welsh)

Nadelik Lowen ha Bledhen Nowyth Da (Cornish)


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