A German social centre has banned a Scottish band ‘Oi Polloi’ because it performs in the Gaelic language as well as in English! The band was due to perform at the Strausberg Horte in eastern Germany on March 1st. This all came to light from the band themselves who called for a boycott of the music festival organised by a so called Left-Wing socio-cultural collective.
After days of avoiding responding to stinging criticisms the self-organising social centre finally came out with a statement saying that the band had ‘backward’ political demands. It seems that this collective hold the same view as some others on the Ultra Left of European politics (and the Far Right) that minority languages and cultures hamper the development of a Europe that is homogenised and without borders.
The statement issued from the German collective can be read here; if you can stomach it! http://www.horte-srb.de/index.php/neues/item/21-absage-der-konzertanfrage-der-band-oi-polloi#comment40846 . It is the sort of thing that supporters of the Celtic languages in north Western Europe are used to hearing from Anglophone and Francophone bigots whether from the far right or left.
As for the Scottish Band ‘Oi Polloi’? They will continue to perform in Gaelic and have called for a boycott of Strausberg Horte Music Festival and have responded on their own Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151972901187252&set=a.37933226....