Scotland's precious Gaelic language heritage boosted by volunteer tours of historic sites

As part of Historic Environment Scotland (HES) five year Gaelic language plan Gaelic speakers, and those with an interest in the language are being recruited as volunteers at tourist attractions across the north of Scotland. The aim is to promote the historic origins of the language and its place in Scotland’s history. Urquhart Castle, Dunstaffnage Castle and Arnol Blackhouse on the Isle of Lewis are some of the attractions where such tours are planned.

Chief Executive of Historic Environment Scotland (HES) Alex Paterson pointed to the benefits of the scheme to expand the use of volunteers and said:  “Gaelic is a distinct and unique part of Scotland’s history and culture which attracts visitors from all over the world, contributing significantly to Scotland’s economy. Currently, there is Gaelic interpretation at 29 of our sites throughout the country, from Glasgow to Aberdeenshire and the Isle of Lewis, which shows the extent of Gaelic’s influence on Scotland’s heritage and its relevance to our historic environment.

“Due to an increase in volunteers, we are currently developing and expanding our wider volunteer programme. These new opportunities at Dunstaffnage Castle and Arnol Blackhouse will help us continue to support volunteers across the country and empower communities and partners to engage with projects that promote the value of Gaelic culture to Scotland’s past and present.”

In a report in the Scottish newspaper the Press and Journal, Cabinet Secretary for Culture, Tourism and External Affairs in Scotland, Fiona Hyslop added: “The Scottish Government welcomes the contribution HES is making to the promotion and use of Gaelic through its volunteer programme. The programme provides an excellent opportunity to add depth and knowledge to Scotland’s visitor experience, allowing locals and tourists alike to find out more about our precious Gaelic heritage.”

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