Successful Celtic League Annual General Meeting 2018 held in Alba

News from The Celtic League:

Delegates from the the Celtic nations gathered in Glasgow (Scottish Gaelic: Glaschu) at the weekend 19th - 21st October, as Alba (Scotland) hosted the 2018 Annual General Meeting of The Celtic League. A wide range of issues and motions were discussed at the gathering, such as on the environment, the Celtic languages, as well as international issues . These included continued support for the Catalan peoples right to decide on self determination and condemnation of the United Kingdom's diabolical actions in the removal of the people from Chagos Islands and calling for allowing their return. The possibility of a further Scottish referendum was also discussed at the meeting and the possible impact of Brexit.

A number of social events were attended by delegates over the weekend and thanks was given to Alba Banch of The Celtic League for hosting this year's successful AGM. A particular thanks was given for the hard work of all the Officers of the League, including those in the individual branches and all those who have worked so hard on behalf of the Celtic League over the year. Campaigning work is set to continue in the year ahead and next years AGM is to take place in Brittany.


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