'This is Mann not Chile'

I hear worrying rumours of conspiracies in the corridors of power I hope these are false - as Howard would put it ‘fake news’. However my source is a pundit not known for flights of febrility.

Our democracy may not have much going for it but one of the good things is that at the inception of the new Tynwald ‘the head honcho’ is chosen and should short of breaking any political crockery get to carry through his programme. Well that’s how its worked with the exception of an unfortunate turn of affairs some years ago.

So like it or not we have ‘yn dooinney moar’ as our leader and it would be unseemly if through scheming by ‘ambitious tykes’ within the political order this was destabilised.

Coups bloodless or otherwise are not to be encouraged. This in Mann not Chile!

Bernard Moffatt

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