'Indiana Shimmin(s) and the Temple of Plenty'

‘The Chamber of Charlatans’ you can’t take your eyes of them. To use that hackneyed phrase from an episode of Inspector Morse:

‘They’re like Special Branch you never know what the blighters are up to’

Ironically they pick the dead season of news to launch their latest offensive on work permits appropriately using their good friend in the Keys ‘Bela Lugosi’ (aka Bill Shimmin(s) MHK (see earlier post).

Of course the Chamber are perfectly entitled to have an agenda and as they seem to be flavour of the month with the National Radio station we often get to hear about it. Its just that as I see it (in my narrow blinkered way) it is that their agenda is to make more and more money for their members and sod the rest of us. Oh why don’t I call a spade a spade ‘They are selfish, greedy, bastards!’

Bill who apparently makes no secret of his desire to replace Alf in the Treasury (and we all know who Alf wants to replace) is taking a sabbatical from plotting with Alf to take a holiday ride on ‘the Chamber of Charlatans’ favourite hobby horse ‘work permits’.

The rather naive view of Bill and some of the simpletons at Chamber HQ is that if we get rid of work permits the world (well our little part of it) will suddenly become a paradise and beacon of industry. It's kind of an inversion of ‘Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom’ which becomes ‘Indiana Shimmin(s) and the Temple of Plenty’. Bill as Indiana doesn’t hack down the bridge to keep the baddies out he reconstructs a larger one to let more in.

There is just one thing wrong with current Chamber of Commerce thinking as faithfully reported by the parrots on Douglas Head it isn’t quite working. Some workers here now can’t manage to meet their needs for foods let alone tampons if the news the other day is anything to go by.

None of this matter to ‘Indiana’ his crusade goes on to the enthusiastic applause of the Athol Street mob!

Image: Indiana Shimmin(s) its a ripping yarn!

Bernard Moffatt

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