Howard and Laurence with 'the brothers'!

Chief Minister Howard Quayle and his gaffe prone Enterprise Minister Laurence Skelly are at the Labour Party conference. It shows a kind of paternalistic side to Howard given that a previous time Skelly had a ‘gaffe’ Howard took him away from the limelight (was it Vision 9?).

Skelly has now presided over the Economic Development Fund, Vision 9 and the disastrous Manx Rally fiasco (are there any more - mail me). Surprised that Howard hasn’t sent him to ROOM 101 rather than taking him for an outing to meet ‘the brothers’.

On the subject of ‘the brothers’ I mailed my old chums Len McCluskey and Tony Woodhouse of UNITE and asked them if they stumble across Howard choking on a vol au vent to enquire why the Isle of Man is still one of the few places in Western Europe not to allow Trade Unions statutory rights to recognition. After all it would be dreadful if Unite were mopping up members subs here then hobnobbing with Quayle who effectively kicks those same members in the teeth - er metaphorically speaking!

Anyone for a composite ‘motion’!

Image: Howard and Laurence 'moving and shaking' at the Labour Party Conference.

Bernard Moffatt

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