Huntingtower Castle, which was once known as Ruthven Castle, is located close to the village of Huntingtower beside the A85 road and near the A9 road. It is about 3 miles northwest of the centre of Perth, Perth and Kinross, Scotland (Scottish Gaelic: Peairt, Peairt agus Ceann Rois, Alba). This was built from the fifteenth century by the Clan Ruthven. Mary, Queen of Scots visited the castle on 25 June and 16 September 1565.It was renamed Huntingtower after the demise of the Ruthven's following their plots against King James VI. The castle has two complete tower houses with the eastern tower noted for it's painted ceiling. It is open daily throughout the year.
Link: Historic Environment Scotland - Àrainneachd Eachdraidheil Alba Huntingtontower Castle.