In the words of The Sunday Times, there is an English army working against Scottish Independence and the celebrity author J.K. Rowling has declared herself a leader of this army. There are multiple news reports this week covering Rowling’s statement on her opposition to a YES vote. Her views are backed up by a £ 1,000,000 ($1.7 Million) donation to the forces urging a NO vote on independence.
Rowling is English and has resided in Scotland for past 21 years. This qualifies her to cast a vote on Scottish Independence in September. Rowling is now a celebrity Poster Girl for the Fifth Column made up of English born residents of Scotland whose vote may sway the outcome. Little can be added to a recent Sunday Times article titled “ English Army Scents Victory – The Future of Scotland in the Union Hangs on the Knife Edge – And the Nation’s 400,000 English Residents Have the Final Say ”.
According to the Times the English born residents may override the vote of native born Scots on the question of independence. This follows on “The Scotsman” reporting in April 2014 that native born Scots favour independence by a 42% to 40% margin. Citing results of an independent survey conducted by the polling firm ICM, a subsidiary of Creston, PLC.
Rowling, author of the Harry Potter Fantasy series, makes the following statement deriding supporters of Scottish Independence:
I … know that there is a fringe of nationalists who like to demonise anyone who is not blindly and unquestionably pro-independence and I suspect, notwithstanding the fact that I’ve lived in Scotland for twenty-one years and plan to remain here for the rest of my life, that they might judge me insufficiently Scottish’ to have a valid view.