In the news this week are reports on the opening of the first dedicated Gaelic school in Scotland's capital city of Edinburgh. The school, known by it's Gaelic name "Bun-sgoil Taobh na Pairce" (Gael, Parkside Primary Scool) will boast 213 students and a Gaelic speaking staff of 30. Classes will be taught entirely in Gaelic.
This is viewed as an important development by activists for Scottish Gaelic as the school can be viewed as a flourishing beachhead for the language. Alasdair Allan, the Scottish Government's Minister for Learning, Science and Scotland's Languages, is quoted in "The Scotsman": "A lot of work has gone into reaching this landmark day and I would like to congratulate the staff and pupils, and wish them all the very best for the coming terms." Dr. Allan is a Scots Gaelic speaker and strong supporter of the tongue.
Ann MacPhail, Head Teacher at the school, proclaimed; "The opening of the new school is a significant committment to the future of the Gaelic language in the city.." When appointed earlier this year, MacPhail stated; "One of my first tasks as Head Teacher will be to recruit Gaelic speaking staff for our school. This will enable us to create a Gaelic learning environment where everyone can use the language naturally in a range of contexts and not just inside the classroom."