Sean O'Foghlu, Secretary General of the Department of Education, has cited in an address to the COGG the need to improve strategies for teachers in primary schools in Irish speaking areas (Gaeltacht) to ensure children maintain and improve proficiency in the Irish tongue. The Secretary stated that current research suggests that upon entering primary school that children's Irish langugae skills actually begin to deteriorate.
These most recent comments on the udertaking of the Department to improve the effectiveness of Irish medum eduction is part of a broader initiative announced in 2012 by the Secretary to upgrade the curriculum in Irish medium settings so as to strengthen the use of Irish amongst the student population: "The Department of Education and Skills will strive over the lifetime of this strategy to make Irish medium education available to all students whose parents wish to avail of it."
The Secretary's remarks were made to the COGG which is a unit established under the provisions of the Education Act of 1998. The mission of the COGG is defined as follows: " To fulfill effectively, professionally and at a high standard the responsibilities..for the development of the Gaeltacht and irish medium sector and the teaching of Irish in all schools."