Alastair Kneale's blog

New Award For People Learning Manx

Media Release from Culture Vannin:

Bequest makes possible a new award for young people learning Manx

/ New award for young people learning Manx


Culture Vannin is delighted to announce the launch of the ‘Sophia Morrison Award’, which recognises and celebrates the achievement of young people learning the Manx language.

Ukraine - Celtic League Issues Statement

Ukraine - statement from the Celtic League

Kremlin's Vladimir Putin launched an invasion of Ukraine on Thursday 24 February 2022. The Celtic League condemns in the strongest terms Putin’s acts of aggression against the state of Ukraine and the Ukrainian people and his deliberate targeting of civilians

The world finds itself at a crossroads once again with Putin’s dream of an expansionist Tsarist Empire and an oppressed Ukrainian people fighting for liberation within their own borders. 

Campaign continues for the return to Isle of Man of the Chronicles of the Kings of Mann and the Isles

The Chronicles of the Kings of Mann and the Isles were written in Latin in 1261 or 1262. They record, year-by-year from 1016, the significant events in Manx history of that time. There has been a long standing campaign for the return of the Chronicles of the Kings of Mann and the Isles to the Island. The manuscript is currently being 'held' (for want of a better word), in English hands at the British Library in London. Recently the campaign gained new publicity when a questionnaire was circulated on the subject.

Nigel Crowe receives the RBV Manx cultural honour award 2022

Media release from Culture Vannin:

Nigel Crowe receives the RBV cultural honour

21 January 2022

Hoard of ancient 2,000 year old Celtic gold coins found in Brandenburg, Germany

Discovered by a volunteer archaeologist in Brandenburg state in northeastern Germany. An ancient hoard of Celtic coins that were minted more than 2,000 years ago. The coins are curved  and are the first known Celtic gold treasure in Brandenburg. Wolfgang Herkt initially discovered some of the treasure near the village of Baitz in 2017 and reported it to the Brandenburg State Heritage Management and Archaeological State Museum (BLDAM). BLDAM archaeologists then uncovered more coins bringing the total hoard to a total of 41.

Culture Vannin Celebrates Its 40th Anniversary

Media release from Culture Vannin:


13 January 2022

Throughout 2022, Culture Vannin will be celebrating the 40th anniversary of the founding legislation which has helped it celebrate Manx culture and cultural heritage in the Island and across the world.

The cultural charity, based in St Johns, is celebrating 40 years of the founding legislation that created the Manx Heritage Foundation that is known as Culture Vannin today.

Campaign To Block Blair Knighthood Highlights Need For Celtic Rejection of British Honours System

Over one million people have now signed a petition to have ex-British Prime Minister Sir Tony Blair stripped of his knighthood. He was given a Knighthood last week. There are however, also plenty of people who believe the whole honours system as it stands in Britain should be abolished, seeing it as a relic of feudalism. Suggesting that Knighthoods and all other royal accolades be replaced with a civic award of some description. 

Nedeleg Laouen ha Bloavezh Mat

Shared via the Celtic League. Christmas and New Year card greetings in all the Celtic languages. Issued by the Breton branch of the Celtic League.

Bugaled Breizh relatives remain highly skeptical following inquest conclusion.

The article below was published by the Celtic League followig the recent Inquest conclusion in regard to the sinking of the Breton fishing boat Bugaled Breizh:


Nominations Sought for Manx Cultural Award

Media release Culture Vannin:

"Who will be your choice for the RBV award for Manx culture? 

25 November 2021


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