
National Protest Campaign Launched in Wales - Demands For Government Action To Protect the Welsh Tongue

Wales on Line are reporting that the Welsh Language  Society (Cymdeithas Yr Laith) have followed through on their declaration, made the latter part of last year, to take non-violent action against the Welsh government unless policies are put into place to protect the Welsh Language (See 8 October 2013 Transceltic Blog – “Welsh Language Society Throws Down Gauntlet).

Irish Language Supporters Take To The Streets of Dublin on 15 February

In an article under the headline " Is the State Supporting the Irish Language - The Irish State is Neglecting It's Constitutional Duty to Protect and Promote the Irish Language, Especially its Native Speakers", the Galway Independent have published an article written by Julian de Spainn, General Secretary of the Conradh na Gaelige (Gaelic League) in which he defends the resignation of the Irish Language Commissioner Sean O' Cuirreain, attacks the current government for its failure to support the Irish tongue and announces a demonstration to be held in Dublin on 15 February to support the ri

Misguided & Inappropriate - Growing Opposition Over Royal Charter for Cape Breton Gaelic College

As Transceltic reported in its 19 December 2013 Blog, "Historical Tensions Erupt - Scots Gaelic College in Canada's Cape Breton In Crisis Over Royal Charter", the granting of a Royal Charter to the Cape Breton Gaelic College caused an upwelling of long simmering bitterness and resentment toward the historical persecution of Gaelic speakers at the hands of the British government. 

Isle of Man: "A Manks Concert to Celebrate St Bridget’s Day"

Island of Culture 2014

With the Island of Culture 2014 celebrations well underway, the Manx branch of the Celtic Congress has organised a special concert to be held on St Bridget’s Day (1st February) at the Centenary Centre in Peel.

Isle of Man: "The Manx Northern Railway Stations"

Manx Northern Railway Stations book

Many people were saddened by the demise of the majority of the Island’s steam railway network, save for the southern line, but the collaboration of Manx artist Michael Starkey and local man Julian Edwards has brought the northern railway stations vividly to life in this pint-sized publication.

It’s a light-hearted approach, with each turn of the page revealing a station or halt associated with the much lamented railway line between Ramsey and St John’s; giving the reader a nostalgic glimpse into the daily lives of the northern community and the line’s importance as a lynchpin for goods docked in the northern town.

Each illustration captures the distinctive style of Michael Starkey’s work and is accompanied by nuggets of information about each stop along the way supplied by Julian Edwards.

UNESCO: ‘Consulting the responsible authorities’ about alleged mismanagement of historic sites

This just in from the Celtic League Information Service:

The Kernow Branch of the Celtic League has taken their concerns about the alleged mismanagement of an historic site in Cornwall to a United Nations (UN) organisation, as part of a long running campaign.

Welsh Language Debate in the National Assembly shows Broad Support For the Welsh Tongue

The BBC are reporting on an impressively broad coalition of political figures in the Welsh Assembly that have called on the Welsh Government to take action to support the growth of the tongue.  Under the headline " Plaid Cymru: Act To Enable the Welsh Language to Thrive - In Leading a Debate on the Welsh Language, Plaid Cymru's Simon Thomas Called on the Welsh Government to Act to Enable the Welsh Language to Thrive", the article cites calls from Liberal Democrat Aled Roberts, Conservative Suzy Davies and as cited in the headline, Plaid Cymru's Simon Thomas, in calls to take action.

Ober gwyw 'Aggie Boys'!

Winners of a highly successful and well attended 'Kan Rag Kernow' - A Song for Cornwall and now to represent Kernow in the Pan Celtic Song Contest in Doire / Derry, Eire on 22nd to 27th April, 2014 - 'The Aggie Boys' singing a beautiful song 'Meur ras, Kernow' - 'Many thanks, Cornwall'.

Irish Language Crisis Deepens - Language Commissioner Condemns Dublin - "Strategy Afoot To Do Away With What's left of Irish"

The Irish Times are proving to be steadfast allies of the Irish language through their reporting on the deepening Irish Language Crisis.  The Times are reporting on the final testimony of the Irish Language Commissioner (An Coimisineir Teanga) before the National Parliament's Sub-Committee on the 20-Year Strategy for The Irish Language".  The Language Commissioner's resignation will take effect on February  23, 2014.

Major Protests Considered Against State's Treatment of the Irish Language

Under the headline "Anger Over State's Treatment of Irish Language - Public Meeting Hears of Crisis in State Provision For Irish Speakers", the Irish Times report on the formation of a national organisation to campaign against the Irish government's failure to support the Irish language.  The article accurately characterises this as a significant development which will bring media attention to the neglect of the Irish tongue by Dublin.


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