Yn Chruinnaght - Feailley Ashoonagh as Eddyr Cheltiagh Vannin - Jerrey Souree 15-19, 2015

Yn Chruinnaght the Isle of Man (Mannin) annual Inter-Celtic festival celebrates the cultures of the Celtic Nations of Ireland (Éire), Scotland (Alba), Wales (Cymru), Cornwall (Kernow), Brittany (Breizh) and the Isle of Man (Mannin). Yn Chruinnaght takes place from 15-19 July 2015 and welcomes artists and performers to Mannin. Those appearing at this years event include Mischa Macpherson Scottish harpist and winner of the Gaelic Singer of the Year Award at the MG Alba Scots Trad Music Awards. The acclaimed Irish band Flook. Traditional fest noz singer Lors Landat makes a welcome return and virtuoso accordionist Thomas Moisson who will be leading Breton dancing.

Dance is a major feature of the festival and there will be displays from Irish dancers Scoill Daunse Yernagh Ellan Vannin, Manx groups Perree Bane, Manx Folk Dance Society and Ny Fennee and representatives from Cornish dance group Keskowethyans. Among many Manx artists appearing will be Mec Lir, The Mollag Band, Strengyn, Chronicles, Malcolm Stitt, Matt Creer, Cliogaree Twoaie, Scammylt, Ruth Keggin, Greg Joughin and Claasagh, A whole variety of lectures and craft displays will take place over the period of the festival including Celtic lovespoon carver Sharon Littley from Wales who will lead two workshops. For more information go to Yn Chruinnaght 2015 website.

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