Time to remove the dart board perhaps!

I read with interest (just after OFT issues another caution about cold calling) that DEFA are going to be ‘cold calling’ to weigh up randomly the nature of the nation's housing stock. Obviously one of the prime questions inspired by DEFA Minister ‘Baron Boot’ will be; ‘Do you own a barbeque’. (Link):


I muse it's a good job I had the mop bucket out yesterday and was hoovering and dusting like a man possessed. Indeed so exhausted was I by ‘arts domestic’ that I forwent the usual Saturday night pilgrimage to the local and instead collapsed in a chair to watch Stanley Baker and Harry Andrews slaughterings ‘gooks’ on an anonymous ‘Hill in Korea’. I ponder how racist the people on that Island to the East were in the 1950s.

However I hastily conclude in anticipation of any possible DEFA visit I must take down my dart board. Up until to recently the board was bedecked with a pic of Alf Cannan MHK but of late Alf was superseded by a member of Legco. Time for a change anyway!

Here’s the link - just remember all those warnings from Chief Constable Gary Roberts and the crew at the Lubyanka about who you let in your house!

Bernard Moffatt

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