Those two old perennials hunger and cold are on the way!

In a few days the Festival of Motorcycling will be over and although it's a good few weeks before the politicians go back to work the nights will start to draw in.

With the onset of autumn and winter we can look forward to those two hardy perennials hunger and cold returning for some.

The effects of Brexit, that Howard and COMIN babble on about without having a clue what's going to happen, seem certain to be negative. I’m always a man to stick my neck out so I’ll say the UK and hence the Manx economy will ‘tank’. Who suffers in such a scenario? Those with least and that it seems is an increasing number on this Island. If you are comfortable you can live of your ‘fat’ or your savings but for many that's not an option and yet MHK/MLCs steadfastly refuse to confront the realities that are set to make many peoples lives even more difficult.

I can’t see this attitude of indifference changing as we without a doubt have the most selfish srt of politicians that this country has had in decades and that says something. It’s democracy you voted for (some of) them now you’re going to suffer. Still in the government office canteen it should be warm and the food reasonably priced - shame you won’t get near it!

Image: Image: Sorry I had to use a stock image the real one is so secret I couldn’t find one online!

Bernard Moffatt

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