News item on the need for protection of Manx territorial waters from YN COMMMEEYS CELTIAGH - CELTIC NEWS MANNIN:
It was good to hear John Moss on Mandate (Manx Radio) this morning take time to cite the resolution moved by the Mannin branch at the (Inter) Celtic League AGM held in Peel over the weekend.
The resolution was moved and accepted as an ‘emergency resolution’ because issues of the territorial sea area and the new political realities at Westminster occurred after the closing date for resolutions to be accepted for agenda inclusion by the League meeting. It was deemed to meet the criteria discussed and adopted.
The sea fishery is one of our most valuable resources and has given decades (centuries) even of employment not just to fishermen but the onshore industry.
It’s vital the interests of our sea area are secured for the Manx industry and people and in a world of ever growing population and declining food resources it makes this a resource to which time can only add value.
I hope when Mannin branch move to the implementation of the resolution that some in the industry and in the political corridors of the Island react positively. This is a valuable resource that we should do everything to secure and manage sensibly and certainly not allow outside interests to dictate its future.
pp Celtic League