Howard is saving up!

Manx Chief Minister Howard Quayle MHK is in reassuring mood about Brexit. Alex Allinson MHK is praying for rain meanwhile Howard is saving up for a rainy day. Apparently we are putting a few bob aside in case things go (to use the vernacular) ‘tits up’!

I start to think Howard may yet have a follow on career as a childrens entertainer. I’m moving towards my second childhood and he certainly entertains me!

I get this mental image of Treasury Minister Alf Cannan MHK saying to Treasury CEO Sheila Lowe; “You have put this weeks fiver in the tin in the cupboard”.

But hey this is serious stuff. It’s obvious the Manx government haven’t got a clue what's going on with Brexit but then none of the demented punters commenting under the IOM Newspaper article have either.

As for me I don’t know and don’t particularly care as being hyper-aged it's hardly going to be a pressing concern for me much longer. I know its a bit selfish but as they say ‘When in Rome etc’.

Unfortunately for Howard, Alf and Skelly waiting for the Chamber of Commerce to tell them what to do - as they usually do - is not an option as the Chamber don’t have a clue about Brexit either.

That's the problem with the Chamber they know all about work permits and where government should spend its money (with their members of course) but they know nothing about Brexit. Even their ‘love child in the Keys’ that annoying Bill Shimmin(s) is struck dumb (bonus). In a word they are totally useless the first time you might be tempted to listen to their banal witterings they have nothing to contribute. To use the vernacular again: ‘The lights are on but there’s nobody in’!

Even those wisearcres on Douglas Head haven’t got a clue either so don’t try tuning into your radio for helpful tips. When a hard Brexit hits the radio may as well start broadcasting one of those repetitive tuning jingles that Radio Moscow used to use.

I’m surprised PAG and Travelwatch are not au fait with the latest thinking from Brussels - if so no doubt we’ll here about it. I suppose one Brexit dividend might be that PAG decide the game is not worth the candle and migrate with their members to ‘Pag the Island’ which is on the Dalmatian coast - the climate might be better. As for me I’m wondering about a pied-à-terre in the 26 Counties I was looking at a nice place near Blacklion earlier and I could just about afford it if only I could find that tin I keep my spare fivers in!

Image: Howard Quayle MHK in happier times - a year ago - with Paul Speller the crème de la crème of Manx journalists!

Bernard Moffatt

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