Forget Consultants let's shine a light elsewhere!

“The argument should be conducted in the DHSC boardroom at Markwell House or the floors of Nobles. Instead we have ‘Mr Speaker’ asking questions in Tynwald about Consultants pay. Pretty rich from a man who didn’t even pay for his own paracetamol on that Falklands jolly!”

Health Minister David Ashford MHK is talking here to Paul Moulton about Consultants Pay and the Health Service generally. I reiterate why this focus on consultants pay scarcely an eyebrow was raised when a few mind boggling salaries at ‘serial loss maker’ Manx Radio were in the news recently. As for the MUA top brass, FSC and some CEOs why not shine a light on them. Then of course there are ‘my friends’ the Deemsters - not bad money for a few days a year and four months break!

David comes across as a sincere no nonsense personality not intent on dressing things up as they are not so I wonder why he’s talking to Moulton and not directly to the Consultants particularly the one who wrote the hard hitting letter in the Manx Independent.

In recent years the BMA have been to the fore in several confrontations with government over issues not least pensions. I find that curious because in all the time (decades) I was in the Trade Union movement that side/level of industrial relations was very stable. It says something when people at the top of the Health Service ‘tree’ are disgruntled.

I agree with Ashford that service delivery in terms of Health services generally is very good indeed often excellent. I’m on record that treatment I and family members have experienced was very sound. I wonder though is that down more to the dedication of general practitioner and hospital staff rather than good organisation. I would like to think it's both.

If Ashford is sincere in wanting to make a difference he needs to get out on the stump around the health services and engage in a manner in which folk are comfortable about conveying concerns. Obviously 15 mins talking direct with health service staff is time better spent than a slot on MTTV.

The Health Service is not a commodity to be fought out on mainstream or for that matter social media. I’m sure we all want good health services and value the staff and commitment we have at all levels at present. The argument should be conducted in the boardroom of Markwell House or the floors of Nobles. Instead we have Mr Speaker asking questions in Tynwald about Consultants pay - pretty rich from a man who didn’t even pay for his own paracetamol on that Falklands jolly!

Here’s the link:

Image. Health Minister David Ashford MHK talks to Paul Moulton

Bernard Moffatt

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