Expect a flood - Allinson has a Katharine Hepburn moment!

Years ago before the roof fell in on the Manx economy and population decline set in we were on course to ‘grow’ the population to over 100,000.

It would have been the final act of cultural genocide but the Isle of Man Chamber of Commerce would have been pleased and over the past decade or so that's all that matters.

Fortunately the population didn’t shoot up over the 100,000 or we would all be very thirsty. The Island is blessed with a climate and topography that make the arrival and storage of water such a natural event that you would never image a water shortage. However suddenly there is a shortage and Alex Allinson MHK (aka Popeye) is having a Katharine Hepburn moment. Allinson needs a Burt Lancaster to appear - a ‘Rainmaker’ to make the heavens open although now Allinson has predicted gloom the skies no doubt will open.

Allinson is apparently a great GP that's why folk enthusiastically rushed to vote for him. But having a good bedside manner doesn’t necessarily equate to being a good politician. My GP is an excellent medico can’t fault her that doesn’t mean I would rush to vote for her if she stood - hang on living in Peel I have Boot and Harmer maybe I might anything would be better.

Popeye irritates me he’s so ambitious I knew the double jobbing wouldn’t last he much prefers hanging around the corridors of the Chief Ministers suite hoping that Howard like some medieval King will bestow high office on him. He is in effect the ‘Richard Rich’ of the Cabinet Office.

Four weeks ago ‘Popeye’ predicted no hosepipe ban and within a month we have one. Now he predicts drought for the next several months so expect a flood!

Hosepipe ban:

Now you see it:


Now you don’t:


Bernard Moffatt

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