News from Kernow Matters To Us:
12th June, 2017
Boundary Commission for England,
35 Great Smith Street,
London, SW1P 3BQ
Dear Sirs & Mesdames
Cross border constituency - Devon & Cornwall
You may well be aware that during this last general election, something remarkable happened in Cornwall. Scores if not hundreds of extra people have now registered to vote, many of them younger people.
Therefore, if the Government were inclined to proceed with the unpopular 'Devonwall' proposal, this would be against the background of a substantially increased electorate in Cornwall, thus invalidating the statistics upon which the study had been based, not only in respect of Cornwall's ancient border but also internal Westminster Parliamentary boundaries.
That said, in Cornwall, we are sure that many other statistics occupy the Westminster Government's minds right now including their lack of numbers to make up a Government which has any authority and respect.
Yours faithfully
John, Teresa, Craig, Tony, Matt, Mike, Clive, Ronan & Mark
Elected Members of the KMTU Steering Group